Steffany and Bobby Strand
as we are. They will go there if we teach them
and then let them go there, and what comes
out is stunning. When we make them just play
everything that we tell them to, they will never
develop that. Michael is a part of the crew that
has helped to develop that idea, rather than just
playing songs. That’s why you feel that about
[Kalley] I’m so glad that you asked this!
you see now is quite a shock to the system. [WM] Michael Pope! What he does goes so Moments could not have happened if we did
That’s part of the beauty of it! The people who much deeper than just playing guitar. In addition not have the confidence of a band of people
have known me my whole life have watched to his role as a Music Director, he also creates who in excellence and skill could support going
me grow in depth, and the deeper it gets, the these amazing guitar melodic sequences that off the map, and have hearts where they won’t
wilder I get! It requires me to give myself more! carry more weight than just a traditional ‘guitar stand in judgment or have a critical spirit of the
part’. Can you give us your insights into what direction the worship leader is going. I only feel
Michael brings to the team? support and encouragement from the band.
I came to Bethel to get something. I knew
I needed to come here and that there was
Their attitude is always, “We’ve got your back,
something for me. But I also came to bring [Steffany] I love Michael, just as a human even though we don’t know what this is going
something. I knew I had something to give. being. He is stunning and excellent! He has to be like! If it’s amazing, we’ll all go together,
And that’s because of my history with God. given his life to his craft, and I believe he is and if it isn’t, let’s all go down together.” There
That’s because my parents said, “Okay. We becoming, and will become, a chief musician is no way that, emotionally, I would feel safe to
know what you’ll get, but what are you taking like the Word talks about. He loves what he explore those things in the same way if I didn’t
with you?” does, and he can truly craft a melody. He and know that I have a full band of people behind
Bobby Strand are my favorite guitar players. me who are ready to make that happen. I get to
Their guitar lines are juicy! Both of them will play soar on top of something.
what they are told to play, but when they get the
chance to create something, that is the best! I feel like this Moments album is a celebration
That is when the best juice comes out. When of our teams, more than anything. It’s a
a worship leader who is not a guitar player, like celebration of the musicians who, so artfully
me, is asking them to play something, it comes and with so much excellence, listen to heaven
out okay. But when you give them the freedom and put notes on it, and we get to join in with
to create, it’s amazing what comes out of them, them. I love this album because it shows the
and we all kind of just freak out. The truth is that partnership and dependence that we have on
if we give them space and room to create, and incredible musicians who show up and serve
we cover them, they are equally as prophetic whatever is needed in the moment with humility
Steffany and Parents
June 2018