of our lives in-between the glorious moments. [Steffany] All of it – it’s everything, and it’s Lord would say, “This is a new season, and
One of my friends sent me an encouragement changed with every season of my life. When I our love is deeper. It’s going to look different
the other day from the scripture passage about was a teenager, I could go lock myself in my now, and that’s okay.” And the season changed
Elijah, and how he was listening for the voice room for eight hours and just bury myself in my again when I became a mom, and the Lord
of God. He was looking to all of these grand bible and have these beautiful worship moments said, “If you seek with me all your heart, I will
displays of power, but then we get to the as I just laid there. I built some serious history be found by you. You will find Me in everything.
scripture about how God spoke to him in a still, with God there, and I gained some authority. I’m in every moment.” It’s about shifting your
small voice. The original text actually says that But it grew into something else. I got married, awareness to realize that He is Emmanuel. He
Elijah heard God in the sound of sheer silence. and I would cry with the Lord and say, “How is God with Us. You can’t turn out a light that’s
For me, that was deeply healing – He is tending am I going to have time for You now?” and the shining from the inside. He is ever-present, and
to my minuscule needs in the still moments.
Gratitude is something that takes daily practice
too. I have a gratitude journal that sends me
a prompt on my phone to take time to be
grateful. Things like, “What are three things
you’re thankful for this morning?” It sends me
daily affirmations, and then at night, too, it helps
to set my heart on the right thing. It sets my
heart in the path of the miraculous presence
of God and opens my eyes and awareness
to that. It awakens me to the fact that it’s
always available.
[WM] How much of your personal worship
time at home translates into what you do in
times of free worship?
June 2018