Worship Musician July 2020 | Page 13

there was nature, and none of us had ever been to Wyoming, so it was a totally random decision, but it was the best decision. If you’ve never been to Wyoming go there, it’s gorgeous. “Fountain” was one that we wrote in Wyoming, and its based on a proverb that says, ‘Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healing to the bone.” So that scripture just stuck out to us and we decided to go down this rabbit hole of, what are the kind things that Jesus says about us in the Scriptures? What are the kind things that we reject a lot of times, or the things that we tell ourselves we’re not worthy of? So it became this song that flowed over people the goodness that God sees in them, and I think a lot of the narrative that we’re taught if you grow up in church or Christian homes, is that apart from God we’re not good, and apart from God you can’t do anything good. One thing that we’ve seen first hand is that there are a lot of amazing people that don’t know Jesus, but Jesus is pulling out the good that was always there. This song has seen a response that I don’t know if we totally expected, there are obviously a lot of people who disagree, but what we’ve seen on the flip side is there are a lot of people who actually need it. Right when quarantine hit we had a friend of ours who lost his life to suicide, and when we looked back at the video we could see him singing that over himself, “I am good, I am good”. So it’s stuff like that, that has connected with people who struggle with that narrative, who don’t believe that they’re worthy, who don’t believe there is goodness inside of them. I think at some points in our life we all believe that, and especially in the city that we live in, it’s a constant struggle to believe in your worth, and to believe that someone could love you unconditionally. The song really is that declaration, God is the kindest most beautiful being in the entire world, so why wouldn’t He see beauty in what He created. That’s really what the song is about, and it really became this thing sent to the Wyoming countryside, and that set the tone for the rest of the album. What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to say things in the simplest way that Dreams might go against what we think of ourselves, that people need to hear and that need their lives to be refreshed. [WM] And the song “Dreams” is such a great new hymn of gratitude and appreciation for who God is and what He has done. It’s sort of the flip side of the song, “Fountain”, where lyrically, we sing of our worth to God. The song, “Close to You”, is so heartfelt and has wonderful Gospel music underpinnings. I really love this one. Please tell us about it as well. [Andres] Part of the journey of that song was just writing together a simple prayer. The song originally was just three or four verses that were just describing what it was to walk alongside Jesus and try to be closer to Jesus and be like Jesus. That was the starting point, and it wasn’t really gospel at first. It was like a hymn and was a different type of vibe. But the bridge of the song where we sing “You are faithful” over and over, that was part of another song, so when we combined the two it was the “aha” moment. Part of the gospel aspect was when we started playing it with just the piano. We had tried more of a full band live approach and it just wasn’t working. At Mosaic there is a piano close to the stage, and that’s where we do our vocal rehearsals or just sing together, we have so many memories around the piano, so when Close to You we were singing it as a team around the piano is when it really started to come alive. It was like holding a fragile glass, how do we not just drop and break it, so we decided to just keep it like that. There’s someone in our church. Her name is Victoire, she’s been part of our community about the same amount of time as me, and she’s one of our worship leaders. We felt that she had the gravitas and the weight. She’s such a magnificent person, and so we thought she would be great to lead this song. It was our first time having her singing on one of our albums, and it was such an honor and it turned out way better than we could have expected. [WM] What do you and the team hope that Human will accomplish? [Mariah] I hope that it meets people where they are, I think that’s the hope of all worship music is to meet people in their journey. I think it’s to meet people on a deeper level, where you don’t have to have any prior knowledge of who Jesus is, but let’s just tell you about our Jesus, and tell you about the goodness and the kindness and the gratitude. We’re trying to strip all of the clichés and all of the things that we could easily hone-in on, and we worked really hard to make it as simple as possible. You were mentioning “Journeys”, and the whole song is basically, “Jesus I’m grateful”, and that’s essentially what we wanted. We wanted it to be our gratitude and our experience and our proof of seeing Jesus in our own minds and in our church and all of the beautiful things that He’s done written in the simplest for so that anyone in the entire world could be curious and moved one step closer towards Jesus. I think its really unique in that way and we’re really proud of it, it’s amazing how difficult writing simple lyrics is, and being able to encapsulate all that God is in a simple phrase. It’s probably the most difficult thing that I’ve ever done, yet when I listen to it, I identify with it and I feel so deeply moved when I sing “Jesus I’m grateful”, because now that I’ve seen who Jesus is and I’ve experienced it, it’s all I can really say to Him is I’m grateful. I think its realizing that Jesus meets us in our humanity, and in all of our human moments July 2020 Subscribe for Free... 13