it’s the perfect thing to do where you get to
channel all of those things. But even more
than that to me, I got so inspired to produce
because I realized that probably one of the
most important things in the worship culture
and the worship community, is stewardship.
Stewardship ranges from writing your songs, to
who is playing on your songs, to becoming a
good musician and not having to look at your
chord charts, to producing a great song, and
knowing how to release that great song. One
of my biggest reasons for doing what I do was
just learning how important stewardship is in
the church. I think a big part of that is, there
can sometimes be an attitude that we’re just
going to do something and the Lord is just
going to bless it. That can be and is true, but
what I learned and what inspires me, growing
up in the industry, is that I’m not going to only
let the Lord do His part, but I’m going to make
sure I am doing mine. I’m not going to stand
on the sideline and kick something out a few
feet from where it started and say, “Here you
go Lord, just take it!” I’m going to steward that
the best that I can. I’m going to co-labor with
the Lord, and I feel like He blesses that when
we sacrifice to Him something that actually
required something from us.
[WM] How did you come to be involved
with UPPERROOM and how did it all begin in
[Matt] The story of UPPERROOM is another
very long-winded one, I will vaguely summarize
this story, because someone could tell it a lot
better. The most important thing to understand
about the UPPERROOM is that it was founded
as a prayer room, not a church. UPPERROOM
was not a church plant, where someone had a
dream to start this church. The UPPERROOM
was really a vision given to our senior leaders
Michael and Lorisa Miller, to just start housing
prayer in these urban areas of Dallas. It evolved
from there, it started in a house, then moved
to another small building, and eventually it
got to this “upper room” that was above a
vet clinic. Every place the UPPERROOM went
the Lord just kept blessing and it just kept
exploding. So, they got a building here in the
design district of Dallas eventually, and they
have a Sunday service at this point, but they
really are focusing on prayer during the week.
That’s really when I came along, right when
UPPERROOM was getting this new building.
That was probably about five or six years ago.
I’ll never forget when I came to visit because a
friend of mine from another church that I was
helping in Dallas, which was ironic because the
senior pastor of UPPERROOM got his first job
as a young adults’ pastor at that same church
I was helping. So, there’s a weird story of how
a lot of us came from this other place. But
anyway, I came to the church when they got
this new building, and in the first few months
this building was already full. The Lord was
20 July 2020
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