and writing process was probably the best part
for me.
[Andres] I agree with Mariah, the whole
process for this album from start to finish
was just amazing. Two memories specifically
come to mind for me. For one big portion of
the album we went to Wyoming, about eight
or nine of us, and we just air-bnb’d a house in
Wyoming and took five days to just write. That
was such a powerful thing, the song “Fountain”
came from there, and hearing it and being
impacted by it right away. Then just a separate
fun thing, we saw a heard of elk one day, and
I just think it was a divine moment because it
just felt so great. Being from LA we kind of had
this running joke the whole time that we wanted
to see nature, we wanted to see bears, or a
moose. Then towards the end we were driving
around and just saw this whole heard of thirty
elk, and it was just so majestic, and as soon
as we pulled over to try and see them they run
away, and it felt like an earthquake. It was crazy,
that was one memory.
I think one more was writing the song “Close To
You”, that was a song that five or six of us wrote
together, and that was a challenge because
we usually pair up into groups of two or three
because it’s harder to write with a bigger group.
But we thought, lets try to write something all
of us together, and that’s the song that came
about from it, but it was kind of unfinished. We
finished it the day before the live recording,
we combined it with the bridge of another
song, and that all came together. It was just
an amazing process of working really hard to
rescue a song that was close to being cut and
not making it, and now it’s one of our favorites,
and people have responded really strongly to
that song.
[WM] Let’s talk about some of the songs
on Human. Please tell us about the song,
“Fountain”. How in the world did you decide to
go to Wyoming?
[Mariah] There’s no reason really (laughs),
we’ve written everything in LA pretty much,
and we just thought let’s do something totally
out of our comfort zone. It gets really hard
to write when you’re working at church and
you’re leading teams. It can be hard because
you distract yourself, and a lot of our team has
family and kids and a lot of responsibility. So
we just took a few days out of our week to
fly to Wyoming, it was a short flight and just
seemed like there was a good coffee shop,
10 July 2020
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