[ DO LESS, INSPIRE MORE | Tom Jackson ]
I was in a rehearsal recently with a world class DO LESS SONGS! show! And it’s partly because we’re not trying
artist, helping them get ready for their tour of You don’t have to learn 100 songs in a year. to learn 15 new songs every year for the tour.
over 100 dates in Europe, Asia, and the US. When you learn so much music in a short It struck me that one of the reasons we can amount of time, often you’re just glad to get The other reason to not work on so many
put such a great show together is because this through it without many mistakes. I don’t think songs is because your congregation likes to
artist is only doing 13 songs, and we have 6 that’s the way to play worship music. That’s not repeat meaningful worship moments. I like
weeks to rehearse. the way to play any music! But if I’m playing going to church and hearing certain songs
a song regularly, I can constantly tweak and again that I’ve sung before. I don’t always need
make the song better. new stuff – I enjoy doing the songs I know and
For years I’ve heard people say (myself
included) what a shame it is that worship teams
aren’t better, more professional, or making the
most of their talents. But I believe one of the
reasons for this is most worship teams try to
learn too many songs in a short amount of time.
With this artist I’m working with, we just
spent the last two days on only one song –
getting it tight, finding the right tones, working
on the presentation, making sure harmonies are
right, etc. Then, when all the songs are worked
out this way, we’ll rehearse them over and over
again, and then they’ll do the same show night
after night all around the world.
love. In fact, I imagine a lot of praise teams and
[ I like going to church choirs do some of their best work at
church and hearing the same each year.
certain songs again
Christmastime because many of the songs are
So, find your “voice” – your style for your
that I’ve sung before. congregation and worship team. Find a core
I don’t always need love. Spend a lot of time in preparation…make
new stuff – I enjoy
doing the songs I
know and love. ]
group of songs that really work and that people
them great! Make worship moments out of
them. Make them special…
Then, once you’ve got the core songs, start
adding other songs that you think might work
well for your team and congregation. And if one
As a worship leader, you don’t have the luxury
of those turns out to be an outstanding worship
to spend two days on each song. I know you all I work on a Christmas tour with NewSong each want to be better, and you want to use the gifts year, and because of their busy schedule, we God has given you, glorifying Him to the best don’t have much time to rehearse. What we’ve Ever wonder why Paul Baloche, Chris Tomlin,
of your ability. So here is my recommendation, learned over time is to review the old stuff from Lincoln Brewster, (insert name here), all sound
whether I’m working with worship teams and/ the previous year and then learn 1 or 2 new so great? They do the same songs every night
or world class artists: songs for the new tour. This is a world class – but in different locations. And it’s inspiring!
July 2017
moment, too, then it becomes part of the core.