Worship Musician July 2017 | Page 44

GEAR [ 50 MICS FOR RECORDING | Doug Doppler ] As we thought about rolling our favorite to go to amazing depths to produce a great partners like Sweetwater. vehicle for male and female vocalists to features from Christian Musician into Worship Musician, articles on recording were high Our friends at Sweetwater recently released objectively hear the sound and character of just on our list. Because our digital distribution together the “Vocal Mic Shootout,”, featuring about every mic they could possibly ever dream includes CCLI’s emMail list, we realize our fifty50 different vocal mics recorded at their of owning. To help tell that story, the good folks content has the potential to reach and world-class studio. From concept to realization at Sweetwater have agreed to let us repurpose influence the next generation of songwriters this project was executed with the kind of their “Making of the Vocal Mic Shootout” video, as they shape the sound of worship in their creativity and excellence we felt we had to share as well as Lynn’s insightful InSync article on local church and beyond. Being wise stewards with our readers. Led by Lynn Fuston (whose all that was involved in pulling this off! To hear of this opportunity means doing our best to recording credits read like a Wwho’s Wwho of all fifty50 mics in action, follow this link to the share great content, including that from key worship), the Sweetwater team endeavored Sweetwater site. 44 July 2017 WorshipMusician.com