It took some distilling to narrow things down, so when players have no other musical outlet this time and again, when an audience member
let me make a couple of quick prefaces: other than Sunday morning, or who lack a plays a few licks on Marcus Miller’s bass after
fundamental understanding of their role in the a concert, for instance. Nothing has changed
“Consistent practice” didn’t make the list worship band. We are there to serve. If the in terms of gear, signal path, eq, etc., but the
because it pretty much goes without saying. song arrangement is in the style of Coldplay/ sound has dramatically changed. The only
If music is a priority for you, I encourage you U2, it’s a distraction (and sounds ridiculous) to difference is the player’s touch and technique.
to prayerfully consider blocking out woodshed incorporate slapping or bebop licks. If the best time in your schedule. Even if it’s just 15 thing I can do to support the particular song Develop your technique to be able to access a
minutes a day, if it’s EVERY day, you can still is tied whole-notes (or even laying out), that’s broad range of tones. What part of your fingertip
make decent progress. But 20 or 30 minutes is what I want to do. I view my role as one of is coming in contact with the string? Is your
even better. :^) musically conveying what is happening lyrically fingertip (or the knuckle closest to it) tight or
and spiritually. loose? Is your fingernail hitting the string? How
There are countless other considerations that
close to the bridge or neck are you plucking?
are hugely important, but which nonetheless Please note that I’m in no way saying anything How much force are you using to pluck? All of
got left on the cutting room floor (developing disparaging about double-thumbing, tapping, those factors have a big effect on your tone.
a broad vocabulary, the ability to play with bebop licks, etc.…but simply that they should subtlety, emoting, the importance of reading be played only when the song is served. I And yes, having adequate gear is also important.
music, etc., etc.). In my 3+ decades of playing usually reserve this sort of playing for my other Research the gear preferences of your favorite
bass, I’ve found the 5 items below to be the musical outlets. players. But don’t be one of the many who
most critical for success as a worship bassist.
spend thousands on expensive equipment
EAR TRAINING to address something that’s fundamentally a
Heart issues are obviously right at the top of the It’s been said that it’s not how fast you can play, technique issue. Which ties into our last point…
list, but there are many great volumes written but how fast you can hear. Developing your ear on those matters, so we’ll focus on just the is hugely important, particularly in the area of EMULATE THE MASTERS
music-related stuff. Ready? Here we go. relative pitch (given a particular note, being able There’s no substitute for listening to and
to immediately discern what another note is and emulating people who do it really well. That
PASSION FOR THE GROOVE what the interval is between those notes). This doesn’t mean you have to become a clone,
Anyone who has been to one of my clinics, expands to being able to identify chord quality but I firmly believe there’s a fantastic place
watched one of my DVDs, or spent any time (major, minor, dominant, diminished, etc.) somewhere in the middle. All of your favorite
with me at all will know that this is perhaps
musicians came up emulating their influences.
the most important musical consideration for Have you ever been in a service when the Then they took all of those influences, infused
me. There are many amazing harmonic and worship leader deviated from the agreed-upon them with their own musical creativity, and
melodic things that you can do with the bass, road map of the tune? Having solid relative emerged with something unique.
but none as essential as the rhythmic aspect. pitch allows you to immediately identify the root Developing a focus upon and passion for the or chord and respond appropriately to keep the I encourage you to listen analytically to a broad
groove is perhaps the single biggest thing you band on track and prevent a distraction (at the range of great music. Try to cop the note
can do to elevate your musicianship. There’s no minimum) or even a complete train wreck. :^) choices, note durations, rhythms, phrasing,
such thing as a boring bass line once you have
a passion for the groove.
and overall feel. Perhaps even take a minute
ATTENTION TO TONE to analyze the note choices compared to the
Some of you are thinking, “FINALLY – I’ve been chord (i.e., why that note under that chord?).
meaning to buy some gear!” Ha! There’s so much to learn about music by
Many otherwise capable musicians greatly
listening to and assimilating what brilliant
diminish their musical contribution by using Actually, your tone is a function of both gear and
the song as a mere vehicle for whatever they your technique. The reality is that the latter is
feel like playing. This is commonly encountered by far the most significant factor. I’ve observed
July 2017
musicians have played.
Have a blast & groove hard!