Hello worship peeps! In the last installment of Leaders, if you want a happy team, roster your to practice to a YouTube video if that is the only
Better by Sunday with PCO (Planning Center songs and teams with plenty of advance notice option you give them. And if your team doesn’t
Online) I dared to venture my belief that PCO is – and I’m talking at least four weeks – and your have any professional musician types, dumping
as much a pastoral tool than an administrative team will love you for it. Team mates, if you’re your peeps off with just a YouTube video creates
one, if not more so. I would like to train our not getting enough advance notice on rostering, even more challenges since many of them have
thoughts on a bit more of the why of all this lovingly let your leaders know that it gets in the yet to develop their transposition skills.
before we dig into this issue’s tips on providing way of your feeling good about the volunteer and transposing audio files. experience and inhibits your ability to do your Which gets us to the songs, nothing but the
best. Often times people just don’t know, which songs. Back in the olden days, worship leaders
is the whole point of used to hand out song CDs. Since those dark
[ PCO makes this article! times the smart people at Apple invented
it SUPER EASY Leaders, although to purchase worship songs and with the help
to transpose “professionals” tend to of the good folks at CCLI distribute them legally
desire plenty of lead to their team. In turn PCO makes it SUPER
time with the material, EASY to transpose these songs into the key
this doesn’t apply just or keys your team will be doing them, directly
the key or keys to them. within their web site. Noting that sometimes the
on your will transposed files can sound a bit like Alvin and
your team will appreciate it if you can the Chipmunks, there will be some artifacts the
be doing them, follow the four-week further you move from the original key.
rule when it comes to
email have their own mores
and protocols. If you reply
quickly, it implies that you’re
interested in what the sender
has to say. The longer you
wait, the more the sender
starts to feel that what they
had to say mattered less
to you than it did to them.
Whether we’re aware of it or
not, there is much the same
dynamic at work at varying
levels with PCO. The longer a
leader waits to roster a team,
the more the team mates
start to feel that their time is
these songs into
directly within
their web site. ]
something called iTunes which allows leaders
and Aaron at PCO has gone to great lengths to
people. Which gets to create excellent tutorials and the one he put
the songs themselves. together for transposing songs is no exception.
As he points out, attaching the audio file original
not valued. A subset of that Just PCO key to the “Arrangement” of a song gives your
centers around selecting and gives you the option of worship and sound teams the benefit of hearing
attaching a YouTube link for a song does not the song sans any transposition-born artifacts.
providing audio assets for the team.
mean they are implicitly saying that is enough
The deeper you wade into the professional end to get the job done. The YouTube version of a
of your talent pool, the more you encounter song is almost guaranteed to be in a different
a very interesting dichotomy. Professional key and use a different arrangement than what
musicians generally need the least amount of you’ll be doing, and is in no way a worthy
time to get material up and running, yet tend substitute for uploading an audio file in the
to want the most amount of lead time so they correct key. Simply put, just because you can,
can feel adequately prepared. Another equally doesn’t mean you should.
interesting dichotomy lies in the fact that skilled
The above video does a great job of walking
musicians can evoke tremendous emotion from That said, there is definitely a huge benefit when you through the transposition process. For a
their respective instruments, yet when they are it comes to having your worship and sound deeper explanation we encourage you to follow
frustrated their emotion starts to get in the way teams watch a song video for arrangement this link:
of their functionality. So what is one to do? and dynamic nuances. Just remember that
professional musicians will tend to loath having articles/204461470-Transposing-Audio
July 2017