Worship Musician July 2017 | Page 22

deep running respect and admiration for one How did you learn to move in the Spirit during Him when I don’t know what to do, finding Him another. That gets to bypass some of those worship? in a place of pain and hearing His consoling technicalities because there is such a regard voice, all of that points to those moments on for what the people to your right and left are [Kalley] Boy, it’s been a journey. What I’ve stage. Those moments become a capstone carrying, how the Lord speaks to them. There’s found is a lot of it is just risking trial and error. or a tip of the iceberg to this relationship of a common goal of “We’re not here to just shine Being in an environment and under leaders conversation with the Lord. I find it’s a daily individually, we really want to see what the Lord who are like, “Hey, this might not be perfect reality that happens long before a stage, and has for us.” You look all over in scripture and right away, but we’re aiming for what the Lord’s man I am so grateful they get to happen in that you have these references to people who sow saying.” That it’s just a learning process where place of corporate worship. Some of the most and people who reap, and really learning that you step out, and sometimes you get it, and significant breakthroughs I’ve ever received there’s not one that’s better than another. All of sometimes maybe it’s not as packaged or have come from somebody stepping out and it is the process that the Lord has and it’s all developed. But there’s really not another way going off the map, risking and exploring what such an honor to be a part of it, whatever that to learn that than just to start and have an they felt the Lord saying. I’m really grateful to be step looks like and whatever role you may play environment that really is going to empower a part of a movement where there’s room to do in that given set. you. I would say that the kind of room and that and to be known by a God who wants to space we’ve been given really has cultivated a use me and speak to me so that we can really place where you just learn and try. get after it and explore! might take a pause or a moment, who moves What I’ve found is it’s just hearing God’s voice, [WM] Awesome! What are some suggestions on, and who does the songs. It’s some of plain and simple. The settings, places, and for worship leaders who are eager to learn how those core values underneath that really help locations change, and there are nuances to to lead in the Spirit, but don’t know where to determine how we’re going to do it. that. But ultimately if we know the Father’s start? Maybe they’re not in a congregation I think some of those underpinnings really establish who goes where, who steps out, who voice, if He wants to speak to us. If we’re that is Spirit led, or maybe they just don’t have [WM] In listening to “I See the Light” from convinced that He wants to partner to bring anyone over them that’s showing them how to Starlight, and watching various Bethel Music His Kingdom and to bring breakthrough – the do it. YouTube videos, you seem to be the one who humbling reality of that means my private times leads many spontaneous moments of worship. with the Lord, my time with my family, seeking 22 July 2017 [Kalley] I think studying people who you WorshipMusician.com