By Doug Doppler
By the time a worship team has established us, a melting pot of our influences, and if so the sphere of influence that Bethel Music has, what is it that Bethel is doing that is causing focusing on the impact of what God is doing God to breath so much life into what they are Bethel Music’s Starlight was recorded over
through them can distract us from the lessons putting their hands to? the course of their Worship Night Tour in the
He’s wanting us to learn from them. Akin to
actually doing.
fall of 2016. While Jenn Johnson is one of
missing the opening scenes of a movie, what At [WM] we firmly believe that every church the worship leaders, she joyfully shares the
we see lacks the context of what came before. is uniquely called to fulfill a mission that only it spotlight with Francesca Battistelli, Amanda
As Jenn Johnson pointed out in the last issue can. One of the best vehicles for accomplishing Cook, Kristene DiMarco, Steffany Gretzinger,
of [WM], “We are not, in any way, thinking that this is seeking God’s voice for what He Kalley Heiligenthal, Melissa Helser, and Hannah
we are “the thing”. We are riding a large wave, wants to achieve through you and sharing McClure. When they say they are a musical
and Brian’s dad, Bill, has paved the way. And that with your team. Where businesses have collective, the Bethel Music folks really mean it.
even before him Brian’s Grandpa was really a mission statements, the Bethel Music website It takes time to pour into people, it takes time to
groundbreaking pioneer in worship. In this area clearly states what we will opt to call a vision walk alongside them, it takes time to be present
he championed and went after Davidic worship statement… “Bethel Music’s collective of in their lives. If we really want our ministries to
– raising your hands and doing things that were worship leaders aim to write and record songs have the kind of fruit that Bethel produces,
not Kosher to many.” that carry the culture of heaven and the heart we have to be as serious about raising up the
of God. We exist to pursue the heart of God. generations as we are about the music itself…
Generations in the making, Bethel Music Together, we express who God is and who if not more so.
probably looks more like the average worship we are in Him. We capture fresh expressions team than we might think. As Jenn went on of worship in every season that resonates with Echoed in our interview with guitarist Michael
to point out, “We’re a cross-pollinated breed, worshipers around the world. Our dream, is Pope, Kalley Heiligenthal is a tall tree raised
not unto our own. We’ve been brought up by that all the earth would worship God.” What we from within the Bethel Music community. Best
Hillsong, IHOP and Vineyard music. We’re a love most about this vision statement is that it known for leading and co-writing “Ever Be”
melting pot of influence.” Isn’t that really all of “talks the walk” of what leaders at Bethel are and “Spirit Move”, the 4,000,000 plus YouTube
July 2017