Worship Musician January 2020 | Page 40

KIDS WORSHIP SONG SELECTION AND ORDER | By Yancy INTENTIONAL AND STRATEGIC. These are two key words needed in the recipe of our worship sets. Chances are you have a limited amount of time for kids worship in the first place. In conversations I have with leaders, it seems that most churches are only doing 2-3 • need to be intentional in making those songs Is it fun, moving, inspirational? like to surround new songs with this type of • Is it naturally engaging or will it require me introduce the new one or vice verses introduce • use these songs to prepare their heart and help the message being taught stick through the power of music? • rest of what your kids will experience. Strategize • to the new material. This really gives them one to be fully engaged with. Think of your songs and sets as a rollercoaster. What can you share about the song to help Does this song remind you of a scripture What do you want them to have experienced or learned at the end of your set? I’m sure you could come up with all kinds of questions of intentionality and strategy to ask. How you filter, categorize and choose your songs will vary from church to church. It’s a worthy exercise to ask God to help you choose Is this a corporate “about our God” type the songs to help Him do what only He can do they chose. There was a formula of what type of song or a personal “about your love for in the lives of those you lead. Invite the Holy of song went where in their worship sets. It me” song? Spirit to guide your planning and preparation were also intentional about the order of songs made so much sense and although I haven’t been a part of a church staff organizing songs • those that are going to take a while to warm up plan for the journey you are taking them on? a teaching moment? would use. Songs went into buckets. They I have found this to work well by not excluding the message? passage or Psalms? Can you share that in They had categorized the types of songs they a new song and follow it up with the home run. Where are the highs and lows? What is your the attitude and heart of the lyric? • song. I will either do the familiar song and then Would this song work better if it followed the light bulb go off as people personalize for those you lead. podcast about the church she had worked at. Are there any songs that are about what is being taught that day? How can you term goals as well as how you can best allow I recently heard Meredith Andrews share in a going to work and be a highlight of the set. I to really lead and model the moment? are going to help you accomplish your long- spend creating impactful worship experiences with a “home run” song. You know they are • of the songs you choose. Think about how they so you see long term results from the time you knows and really engages and enters in strong What is the song about? work for you. It is important that you are mindful the worship time to prepare and underline the Note: I call the songs that most everyone the worship time? • songs per week. Even more importantly, if you have a limited amount of songs then you really How can I jumpstart their engagement in • How will you introduce the new song? Do in that manner I can see common threads in you need to teach any motions to it or how I put together my worship sets. Here is a list of just some of the many questions I’m going to ask myself as I craft the song order: • Where is the song placed? What’s happening before it? What kind of transition is needed? • 40 Will this be a new song you need to teach? break down the chorus of the song? and walk in obedience when He speaks what song is needed and where. Pay attention during the services of how the kids engage in different ways with different types of songs and use those experiences to help you refine your • Is this a familiar song for your group? processes and outcomes for the future. • Are there newer songs that need to be ©2019 Yancy Ministries, Inc. repeated to help the familiarity grow? • What are the “home run” songs for your group? Do I need to create energy or excitement? January 2020 Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders. Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world. Yancy has a passion to serve the Church which is why she created “Heartbeat”, a five lesson curriculum series to teach kids the heart of worship while exploring David’s life. She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville, TN. YancyMinistries.com Subscribe for Free...