about, and it’s all about Jesus, it will always a secular artist turning his life over to the Lord in and not traded around to man after man?” She
all be about Jesus and the presence of God the public eye and all he wants to do is worship, could have asked any of that but she asked one
being made manifest. Jesus says in Scriptures he doesn’t need it to be about anything else. simple question. “Where do I go to find peace
to the disciples after they said, “Why don’t you
that worship offers? Where do we go to offer
just show yourself off?” basically. “Why don’t I think about the woman at the well and how our worship?” I think that has become so hard
you do these massive things so the world will she could have asked the prophet anything in when were so convoluted with question and
turn?” And He said something so profound and that hour when he describes to her that her life angst. The church at large needs to find peace
so simple but so hard for us to really actually within ourselves to say, what are we resting
pull into. He says, “My father and I have come our laurels on? What are we resting our belief
to make our home with you. We want to make
our home in your heart so that you then would
shine us, the light, to the world.” And that’s
all that were trying to do, and when that light
grows dim it is because it has become about
something other than what He wants it to be
The same thing I have always been about is the
same thing now. If I think the light should just
become brighter and brighter and I think if God
grants me the kindness of living into my eighties
or nineties, then I will just become a wise old
woman who keeps getting brighter and brighter
because she has seen more and more of the
presence of the Lord.
[WM] Anticipation is a key component for real
worship. It’s something that I used to sense
on a regular basis in many church services,
but nowadays often seems lost among God’s
people. How can worship leaders and pastors
help to foster a spirit of anticipation prior to
collective times of worship?
[Rita] I think some of that involves risk, the risk
of our humanity. Another thing I’ve encountered
these last few days is that when you’re asking
for something that feels impossible to your
flesh, but your whole belief system is riding
on it… our whole belief system is riding on
the resurrection being true. Yet, we pull back
and all of a sudden everything in us becomes
questionary. Everything that we’ve banked on
People can systems on? Are we saying that we believe in a
condemn Kanye Are we saying that we believe in a God that’s so
West all that they to kind of change our verbiage because we
want, but can you adapting to a God without the risk that it takes
deny that there who He says He is. So I think risk is a big factor
is more simplistic the hardest thing to overcome especially now,
salvation coming people watching you. But until we have that
in the midst of do what were not ready for, in order to get us
God that is so good that He can raise the dead?
a secular artist
good until we question Him and then we have
don’t want to offend anybody, and then we are
sometimes to stand believing that God is really
in that atmosphere of awakening, and that is
when everything is looking through the eyes of
encounter, you and I both know that God will
ready for what He needs us to be ready for.
[WM] We’ve both been taught that “faith” is
turning his life spelled, R.I.S.K.
over to the Lord [Rita] Yes. Absolutely! When you have
in the public eye of the Scripture, you can feel it.
and all he wants [WM] Thank you Rita for your service and
to do is worship, consistently speaking truth. You’ve impacted
he doesn’t need
authentic men of God teaching the authenticity
faithfulness to the Body of Christ, and for
many and I’ve really enjoyed our time together!
[Rita] Thanks so much, Alex.
it to be about
anything else.
all of a sudden starts to shake, and I think there
is a risk involved in staying steady and saying,
“Do we believe that God wants to come in our has probably been pretty hard. She could have
midst?” People can condemn Kanye West all said, “When will I find a man that loves me?
that they want, but can you deny that there is When will I ever find peace? When will I ever
more simplistic salvation coming in the midst of be in a position where I am loved for who I am
January 2020
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