community. Its awesome because it gives them [WM] Tell us about that faithful old Gibson an awesome way to learn, so dig into them and
dignity, and we hook up with another ministry acoustic guitar that you use. What’s the history own them, then move past them and don’t take
called Shower Up that gives them showers. So behind it? it all so seriously. I don’t know a better way to
people shower and leave with clean clothes. It’s
say that, but you know people whose whole
such a tiny little things, and what’s been great [Chris] It’s a 1966 J-45 that a buddy of mine identity is just wrapped up in what people think
about it is the rhythm. Our church is big and found at Guitar Center in downtown Nashville. I about how they sing on stage or how their
it’s a mega church. I’m in front of five thousand needed a new guitar and this was the first time songs are. If I could go back and tell “young
people every week. I get lots of pats on the that I was recording a record about sixteen me” that it would have helped me a whole lot.
back and lots of people saying what a great job years ago. It was a time when it was easy to I did, and then immediately after that we drive convince my wife that I needed a new guitar On the songwriting side I’d say my main piece
downtown and we help the least of these. And it (laughs) because I was recording a record. I of advice would be to just write songs about
feels like such a healthy rhythm. This is fun, and went out there and I played that guitar and fell one thing at a time. Don’t try to fit the entirety
this is also anchored to the reality of helping the in love with it. At the time it was pristine, it had of the gospel into a song. If the song is about
poor. Its not just the one scripture on Matthew, a little checking in the finish, but it just looked “grace” then let the verses be about grace and
James talks about pure and unfilled religion is perfect, it was a beautiful old guitar. And since the chorus be the main point about grace, and
to care for orphans and widows. I think we as then I’ve scratched it up, not on purpose but let the bridge be a response to grace. When
a worship community need to make this one of just because I play so hard. Its been with me I hear songs from young songwriters and I’m
our biggest things that we care about, because for a while now, and its still one of my favorite showing my wife and she asked what I don’t
God cares about it. guitars. like about it, I think the main thing is that people
try to fit too much in. Don’t be like a shotgun
It’s one of the things I care most about. When Lately I’ve been playing a little Waterloo (made with your songwriting, just dial it in and be a
I play concerts, and they’ll do the pitch in the by Collings), and I’ve kind of fell in love with that sniper and make sure that you hit the target that
middle for Feed the Children and stuff, I don’t too, so I’ve got a couple of guitars I’ll switch in you’re aiming for. And again, check everything
even promote one of those, but I’ll take a and out. against Scripture, I think that’s super important.
feels so important to me. We’ll have a night of [WM] What words of advice do you have for [WM] Chris, thanks so much for this time
worship, a natural outpouring at that time of any aspiring songwriters and worship leaders? together! I really appreciate it. You’ve given us a
second to just talk about helping the poor. It
night where we’re showering praise on God, it
lot to consider.
should be that we leave this place and actually [Chris] On the worship leading side, don’t take
go and impact the least of these in some way. yourself too seriously. It’s easy when you’re in
Because again, whatever we’ve done unto the front of people to feel like it’s something that
least of things we’ve done unto Him. It just feels it’s not. At the end of the day what we’re doing
so important. is family stuff, it’s not a show. If you make
mistakes, then learn from them. Mistakes are
January 2020
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