Still Believing
By Doug Doppler
photo by Erick Anderson
“I remember the first time I heard “I Still Believe” With a voice that’s still as big as a house, the opportunity to interview Russ and co-producer/
and just being captivated by the vocal on that. scope of Russ Taff’s influence is undeniable. In engineer Mark Hornsby. Filled with inspirational
I was just a young kid listening to my dad’s addition to racking up 6 Grammy Awards, 18 performances and world-class production,
records and I became a Russ Taff fan for life Dove Awards, and being inducted in the GMA we’re thrilled to share the story behind the
after that!” – Zach Williams Hall of Fame three times, Russ has literally making of Believe with you!
been inspiring artists like Zach Williams for
“I Still Believe” // Russ Taff
decades. Believe is Taff’s debut Worship album [WM] Russ, in many ways your story could
and includes guest appearances by fellow be defined by the word “relationships”. Those
Grammy winners David Crowder and Amy with your wife, family of origin, and the all the
Grant. With tracks like “I Still Believe” and “No people you’ve made music with over the years.
Longer Slaves”, Russ clearly demonstrates that Can you tell us how your faith has impacted
he can still deliver the goods in a relevant way. the way you see relationships and how God’s
So, when we found out Believe was recorded outworking of that was through your music?
at Sweetwater Studios, we jumped at the
January 2019
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