and do it again, it doesn’t work like that. And
that’s a wonderful thing because that keeps
you dependant, it keeps you hungry creatively,
but spiritually keeps you dependant and makes
you remember all of the stuff that’s really going
to count for something and show up in peoples
lives in a meaningful powerful way. That’s just
going to be Gods grace, Gods gift. Yeah,
you’ve got to work hard, you’ve got to learn
your craft, but that little extra thing that we’re
always searching for in songwriting, that’s going
to keep you dependant. I absolutely love that
dynamic, and it’s actually a good lesson that if
you come to a rut in songwriting, if you feel that
all your songs are sounding the same or you’re
in a place where you’re not very inspired, just
change one thing in the equation.
Maybe you learn a different instrument, maybe
you borrow a different guitar, maybe you write at
a different time of day, maybe you start writing
with a lyric rather than a melody or maybe you
find a new co-writer. You could just change one
thing that can start something new or fresh or
different happening.
[WM] Speaking of different streams, you’re
headlining the Night of Worship at the 2019
Winter NAMM Show. Three years ago, we
had Matt Maher who comes from the Catholic
Church, the year after that we Lincoln Brewster
from a more Evangelical stream, and last
year we had Lauren Daigle who is making
tremendous inroads as a crossover artist. What
are your thoughts heading into this?
[Matt] I have never been to NAMM, for years
everyone has been saying, “Oh, you should go
to NAMM!” or, “We just got back from NAMM!”
So, I’ve heard about NAMM from so many
arrive at the answer. But it’s a limited number of same. If it was four of you the song wouldn’t people, but I’ve never actually been… so I’m
ways, and the next day you could come in and end up the same. If one of those people were excited to get there. I’m excited to be there,
repeat that success. different, the song wouldn’t end up the same. I’ll probably be the worst musician in the whole
It’s so fascinating to me, it’s like an infinity of convention (Laughs). It’s funny because my
But what is so fascinating about songwriting is, possibility. You just change one factor, one tiny strength is in the songwriting, that’s the gifting
if you change just one factor in the equation, thing in the equation, and you’re going to arrive that I’ve chosen to invest in because I felt the
everything is radically different. There could at a different place, and you can’t come in most called to it, and so it’s hilarious to me that
be three of you writing there, if it’s just the tomorrow and repeat your success. If that song so often in my life I’m surrounded by amazing
two of you the song wouldn’t end up the was really good you can’t come in tomorrow musicians of who I am the least.
January 2019
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