Worship Musician January 2018 | Page 53

FEATURE [ BETTER BAND PREP: TIME TO DEFINE | Grant Norsworthy ] Would you like your Church band to make Halen’s “Eruption” at full volume - just because 3. SOUNDCHECK better use of the available time? Would you like he can. I am staggered by how few Church bands them to prepare a higher-quality sound that will more effectively engage the congregation? Huge gains will be made if the team understands ...competing with the general din, the have a soundcheck - especially one that uses acoustic guitarist is in a yelling competition a specific system and with explicit goals. We with the audio engineer trying to resolve a “no must! Checking the sound quality and signal signal” issue. level of each, individual mic and DI on the the different things you can do with a band and ...the keyboardist waits expectantly for platform - without anything else happening at the right time and place for each. Here’s what direction from the MD, blissfully unaware that the same time - is an essential prerequisite to I mean… the chord chart in front of her is a different quality preparation. arrangement and in a different key from the After set up, there are five things you can do charts that are in front of every other member 4. REHEARSE with a band: of the band, and... Distinct from practice, rehearsal is bringing • JAM ...the vocalists are doing exactly what together all the individual instrumental and • PRACTICE vocalists do when they have not been directed vocal parts to make a good fit, smooth off • SOUNDCHECK to do any differently - chatting amongst any rough edges, and polish the final product. • REHEARSE themselves about their day, their week, life in Proper rehearsal is only possible after sufficient • IMPLEMENT general. It’s a singer’s version of jamming. personal practice from all band members and a sound check. One of the main problems I observe as bands We haven’t even started our rehearsal! Is it any prepare music for a service is that each of these wonder that time runs short? 5. IMPLEMENT five terms is not well understood by the band Finally, we get to implement what we have members. Often the Musical Director (MD) So, let me define the 5 things you can do with a prepared to engage the Church congregation. has only hazy definitions too! Certainly, the band so that the leading MD can communicate I use the word implement here, instead of expectations for, and the distinction between each to the team members and establish and perform, intentionally. We implement the music each are poorly communicated by the leader. maintain a team culture that agrees to stick with in such a way as to invite the congregation to these definitions and make them a priority. join the band as, together, we sing songs as As a result, preparation time is often a an expression of worship to Almighty God. messy, hodgepodge of setting up, jamming, 1. JAM We have not practiced, sound checked, and practicing, sound checking, and rehearsing. Playing your instrument as you feel and just for rehearsed so we can perform for an audience Frequently, I see teams trying to do two or the fun of it on your own or with others is a of people. We have done these things to help more simultaneously! Predictably, each is great thing to do. But there is no time to spare our Church family recognizing that He is the done poorly and inefficiently. Huge chunks of for jamming during our preparation. Make audience and is deserving of our praise. our precious preparation time slip through the another time to jam but, please, not now. cracks as a result. Does this scene sound at all familiar to you? So, with no more jamming or practicing going 2. PRACTICE on during your precious minutes of preparation To many musicians, the words practice and before implementation, now you just have to rehearsal are synonymous. But they are not! soundcheck and rehearse. We were supposed to start rehearsal at 7:00. We do not have time for practice while we are But even though it’s now 7:20 ... together. Prior to us getting together, each You’ve just saved, perhaps, 50% of your time! individual needs to have invested time and Put it to good use. Let’s lift the standard. ...the bassist has headphones on listening to energy in personal practice so that they come the songs (for the first time) from his phone fully prepared for rehearsal with the other team and fumbling through the arrangements as members. Don’t call your rehearsal a practice. best he can. Don’t practice in your rehearsals. ...the electric guitarist is ripping out Van January 2018 Grant Norsworthy founder of MoreThanMusicMentor.com providing training for worshipping musicians. MoreThanMusicMentor.com WorshipMusician.com 53