Worship Musician January 2018 | Page 46

WORSHIP GUITAR TALK WITH MICHAEL GUY CHISLETT continued from 11 is the part with “I am Yours, and You are mine,” instrument. On one part she’s doubling Joel’s which is just an off the cuff thing that Matt was vocals, and then she’s on her own.” I loved the scratch vocals that Matt Crocker had sung, singing in the demo. Other than that, some way you went back and forth with the male and and Joel said, “You’re right, it’s beautiful. It’s of the early lyrics were just unlistenable. As a female parts, rather than just having one person going to be awesome.” And then two massive producer, you’re supposed to look past that and singing the entire song. What’s it like to work with things happened for “Oceans” to be what it is know that the artist is going to deliver something somebody who has that kind of musical quality? now. One, is that Taya Smith sang it, and did an that’s worth listening to. In this case, it was amazing job. And two, Joel found a way to write very special. [MGC] What I’ll do in the studio is that I record lyrics with a very personal point of view that really anyone doing anything, which is way more work resonated with a lot of people. And I was just [WM] One of my favorite things about “Wonder” than you’ll ever hear, because, obviously, not happy to play a part in facilitating something like is how you used Taya’s voice like ‘salt and everything makes it. Then, I’ll usually have an that, because I think it’s so awesome. Without pepper’ all over the record. I grew up listening agenda. I’ll say, “I really want Taya to sing the the lyrics and Taya’s vocals, it would have been to all of the Beatles records, and when I heard first verse of this, and then in the second verse I a pretty rough demo! The only lyrics that stayed, the disc I thought, “Wow! He’s using her like an want Jad to sing, and then Joel on the bridge.” I’ll actually have everyone backed up and ready to go in case we end up switching it in the mix, and a lot of times we do end up switching. Like On-Stage ® XCG-4 Classic Guitar Stand on the song “Splinters and Stones”, Joel just hated his voice on the last chorus for some strange reason. And he said, “I just wish Taya was singing it.” And I said, “She is singing it. I’ve just got it muted, but I’ll unmute it and we’ll be good to go.” And that’s the way I’ve been operating for the past few years now. With the Beatles, one thing I will say is, for example, I don’t like Ringo’s voice, but when you hear them all singing together, it just works. John Lennon has a really sharp, nasally voice. And Paul has a really silky voice, and when you hear it all together it makes something really awesome to listen to. I’ve tried to use that same dynamic with the United guys, because everyone has such a different voice. When you put two people together who sound really different, it creates something totally different. It’s been a lot of fun, but it’s a lot of work. You end up having to do a A living legacy. lot of backups. Like if Jad’s vocal doesn’t come • Easy, no fuss set-up • Removable lower yoke • Handy security strap out very well, then I’ve got Matt. And it it’s not going to be Matt, then I’ve got Joel. There’s a lot of guys that can sing really well, but you’ve got to have a focus and a concept of what the song should be or you’ll end up doing more work than you need to. S I N C E 19 79 Visit On-Stage.com to learn more 46 Nov17_GuitarMag_On-Stage_QPageAd.indd 1 January 2018 Doug Doppler Doug is the Editorial Director for Worship Musician and Gear Tech + Recording magazines. WorshipMusician.com WorshipMusician.com 10/17/2017 9:30:27 AM