Worship Musician January 2018 | Page 38

GUITAR [ PLAYING WITH MULTIPLE GUITARISTS | Jeffrey B. Scott ] Modern worship music tends to land in a LAYERING want to play it off like dueling guitar solos, but pretty clear space these days, where almost Playing the same note an octave apart is a dividing a melody line between players could every popular song has some of the same fun little exercise in precision and accuracy bring out parts in a special and unique way. characteristics and go-to pieces that bring between guitarists. While an octave pedal can Consider one taking the verse melody and the it together. This helps the listener in the accomplish a similar sound, there’s something second taking the chorus melody - mix it up! congregation identify quickly with a song, but unique about two players playing the same it may leave some of us players in a little bit part that can really make it stand out. This is WORDS OF WARNING of a funk to find new ways to play in the same especially potent when the two guitars are While I’ve talked about the opportunity that two sandbox. And it can be especially difficult if different types, e.g., a Strat and a Les Paul. guitar players bring to a worship band to take there is more than one guitarist in the mix of things “out of the box” and beyond the norm, your band! If that’s you, my goal is to help you DIME IT OR CHIME IT? there is definitely a caution that must go along clear the sonic landscape and find a place to Another way to make your dual electric parts with it: the worship team is there to facilitate the play that both benefits the listener and keeps stand out is by varying drive levels. One guitar congregation connecting with God in worship your leader happy! playing clean while the other plays dirty can of Him, and all your hard work to use the tools really bring focus to an otherwise obscure part. at your fingertips to make things interesting I’ve written before about how to keep your While long-buried in the guitarist’s bag of tricks, may very well go too far and become a parts separate but sometimes mixing it up can don’t underestimate the subtle use of chorusing distraction. Like any power tip, you have to use bring new life to a song. If you have just one or flange effects to move it along even further. the right amount for your situation and what’s electric player in your worship band, you’ll have appropriate for you. It would be my hope you to combine melodies and mainstay parts for SPLIT PERSONALITY a part that makes sense and completes the Why not? If you’ve got two good players and song. But if you have multiple electrics, you can a solid melody line, splitting the part between explore some other areas to make your parts them can make things fun and interesting for really sparkle and stand out. everyone! In the worship context, you don’t can find the balance and play on! Jeffrey B. Scott Jeffrey lives in Nashville with his wife and 3 kids (and 1 dog child) and plays guitar for American Idol winner David Cook. Photo by Blue Amber 38 January 2018 WorshipMusician.com