Worship Musician January 2018 | Page 17

“company” comes from a military term and this [Henry] Honestly, we did very little to get the sense of a brotherhood of people who fight word out. It was more just the word of mouth of together and share a meal together. We were people who had come and had a life changing [WM] So through testimony the word spread, talking about that word, and it struck a chord encounter with God. Through that, God was and from five people it grew? for us, because that really is what the church is. just doing things in their lives, and we saw We’re an army of believers who stand together, marriages get restored and people who had [Alex] And they just happened to be mainly fight together for each other and break bread carried a lot of brokenness break free. People creatives (laughter). together through fellowship. were getting physically healed, and God was spoke of it. It was amazing! doing things just as we came together and [Henry] Which is not hard in a town [WM] Were you and Alex both born and raised met and we gave Him space to do what He like Nashville. in Australia? wanted. Through that, people were having a significant transformation in their lives and that [WM] For musicians, it seems like Tuesday [Henry] Yes, we spent most of our lives in was evident to the people around them. It was would be a better fit, because on weekends Adelaide (Australia) and in 2003 we moved that testimony that got the word out. you are either playing shows or traveling. Melbourne for nine years, and we’ve been in [Alex Seeley] It was the testimony because [Henry] That was what we really found. I met Nashville for almost six years now. people’s lives were changed. We only invited Jesus when I was 18 or 19 and have been five people that we knew at the time, and heavily involved in a local church ever since. [WM] What year was The Belonging Co the rest of the year we never invited another That has put life into my life. Moving here to officially launched? person. Yet we had hundreds of people visit Nashville, we saw how many people didn’t in a year at our house. We never gave out have that sense of spiritual input, atmosphere, [Henry] We started meeting in the basement our address, we didn’t have a flyer, we didn’t or environment where that could be fostered. of our house in November 2012, and continued provide any details. It was literally people’s lives It was a shock to me that there were so many through 2013 in our home. We officially getting changed, and then talking about it to people in the creative world that didn’t have launched as a church in February of 2014, and their friends, and their friends saying, “I must that. Sometimes, it’s more on them needing a the church is about three and a half years old. come check this out!” It was just like a domino bit of encouragement to get in the community to Melbourne (Australia). We were there in effect. The church grew very organically, much and commit to that. Creatives don’t always [WM] How did you get the word out about like the Acts church. Where the Holy Spirit like to be the most committed people. There the church? moved, people’s lives were changed, and they are quite a few creatives in our church, but Alex Seeley January 2018 Henry Seeley WorshipMusician.com 17