Worship Musician January 2018 | Page 12

WORSHIP SONGWRITER [ MATT REDMAN | interview by Doug Doppler ] [WM] You’ve got twenty-three songs currently or a new item etc. For me, adopting that worship music. I’m lost without a capo, can’t in the CCLI top 500, have won just about every approach brought a big breakthrough in the read music, and I’ve been the worst musician in award imaginable, and your songs have been area of songwriting. every band I’ve been in for the last 15 years, ha! and Jesus Culture, just to name a few. Saying [WM] Do you have a routine for writing songs, [WM] Songwriting is a gift, and not everyone that you’re prolific would be an understatement! or do they just come to you? has the same level of gifting. With that in mind, recorded by Michael W. Smith, Chris Tomlin, That said, if there was a time you experienced what are some good guidelines for key, chord writer’s block, how did you approach breaking [Matt] I’m always thinking about songs and movement, melodic range, lyrical content, and through it? writing down lyrical thoughts, but the key has arrangement for creating well-crafted songs? been to then structure some time to wrestle [Matt Redman] The key for me in those times down the song. For me, that most often has [Matt] I think I’m more qualified to speak has often been co-writing. It’s amazing how meant putting some co-writing days in. That’s into the lyrical side of things, honestly. Most of many times I feel like I don’t have something, a fail-safe way of making sure your songwriting what I do musically is instinctive, and there’s and then a co-writer will have something strong time doesn’t get eaten up or pushed out by some main and plain stuff like trying to find to kick off the songwriting process instead. something else. an addictive hook to hang stuff on, not taking And how often that idea will be refreshing to my too long to hit the chorus (especially in today’s soul too, not just the songwriter in me. I love [WM] As a songwriter, there must have been world!) and not making things too complicated that. It’s back to that same theme again - we’re at least one time you heard an arrangement of to sing etc. But I do find myself leaning into the “better together!” one of your songs that didn’t appeal to you. melodic gifts of others - like Jonas Myrin, and What advice do you have for other songwriters myself carrying more of the lyrical side of things. [WM] Where do you get your inspiration for on letting go of their songs so others can find For me, the one key filter to run everything songs? Scripture? Life experiences? Stories of something of their own in them? musical and lyrical through is, “Are you trials and victories from your congregation? bringing a universal theme, but expressed in a [Matt] Ha! No - honestly! Even in the versions [Matt] The key is to be a songwriter, 24/7. I’ve heard that weren’t the most musically You’re not always writing, but you always have accomplished, I’ve heard a ton of heart. So, your creative antennae up, listening out for it would be hard to look down on that. And song ideas of phrases or themes - whether that remember, I’m just a little English guy who be from a sermon, or a book, or a conversation, stumbled into playing music because I loved 12 January 2018 unique way?” Doug Doppler Doug is the Editorial Director for Worship Musician and Gear Tech + Recording magazines. WorshipMusician.com WorshipMusician.com