Worship Musician JanFeb 2017 | Page 50

As we were looking for ways to improve [ WM ] for 2017 , the idea of creating a section of the magazine dedicated to youth worship teams and their leaders quickly went to the top of my list . In case you didn ’ t know , the core members of Hillsong United and Jesus Culture all started out as members of youth worship teams . When we interviewed Michael Guy Chislett for The Worship Guitar Book , he reflected on how being part of the worship community impacted his life , [ MGC ] “ I am extremely dyslexic and left school when I was sixteen because of it . Lucky for me music came naturally . Hillsong Church was a huge help to me growing up . They have so many amazing musicians there that I felt like I had the potential to be professional at a very young age . Pastor Brian Houston used to speak a lot about “ using what ’ s in your hand to fulfill what ’ s in your heart ” so I decided that if I put the work into guitar , God might be able to use me for all sorts of things .”
WE ’ RE A MINISTRY NOT JUST A MAGAZINE In the busyness of being in the magazine business , we are always thinking of ways we can better serve you and the team you serve on . When I was in High School ,
I studied with a local guitar teacher named Joe Satriani , yes that Joe Satriani . He didn ’ t just show me how to play guitar , he taught me pretty much everything about playing guitar , including what gear he thought was cool and how to connect it !
YOUTH WORSHIP RIGS In a recent conversation , Dale Krevens ( marketing manager at Tech 21 ) commented that if she were starting out again , she wouldn ’ t know where to begin when it came to buying gear . The guitar and bass rigs I put together for this issue reflect hours of research designed to help you make informed choices about specific pieces of gear as they function in the framework of a rig designed to fit the unique needs of young worship musicians . As demonstrated in Rig Building 101 , we have zero interest in dumbing it down for you .
NOT JUST FOR KIDS Noting that student ministries is where just about every senior pastor gets their start , we found it a bit strange that there wasn ’ t more information out there for youth leaders , especially those working with worship teams . So , I decided to ask Ps . Mark if he
would share some of what he ’ s learned with you . Ps . Mark Cotter and his wife Ellie used to be on staff as youth pastors at Lakewood Community Church , where Mark spent a considerable amount of time pouring into the worship team . His perspective on worship , developing a closer relationship with Jesus , and grace are a constant inspiration to me . Just being around him inspires me at every level to spend more time in the word and strengthen my relationship with Christ . I ’ m believing that in the busyness of youth ministry his words of wisdom will be of great service to you . He also plays a Gretsch , which makes him extra cool in my book !
HOW YOU CAN HELP Noting that 40 % of the Churches in the U . S . have a youth worship team , chances are you know someone who is playing on one who could benefit from this section of the magazine . We are passionate about serving youth worship teams and their leaders , so we invite you to help us out by letting them know what we ’ re up to !
In His service - and yours , Doug Doppler / Editorial Director
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50 Jan � Feb 2017 WorshipMusician . com