Worship Musician JanFeb 2017 | Page 36

THE MINISTRY OF PRESENCE ( Presence Produces Profile )
99 % OF SUCCESS IS SIMPLY SHOWING UP ! Would you be so kind as to repeat those words after me ? “ 99 % of success is simply showing up .” A no brainer you say ? Let ’ s ruminate upon this for a moment . It works in every field of endeavor , every area of life , every interaction , transaction , relationship , and worship team setting . Showing up is always best ! And though , in some scenarios , absence does make the heart grow fonder , the more applicable cliché is often : “ out of sight / out of mind .” You gotta be there ! Never “ phone it in !” Showing up connects you with the people , the passion , the process , the product , and the profit . Presence produces profile . It keeps you in the know , and being known , but it ain ’ t so if you don ’ t go — you gotta show ! As a minister , leader , team member , or anyone else who desires to serve others , the battle is 99 % won by simply showing up !
THE MINISTRY OF PRESENCE Ok , let ’ s lose the clever alliteration and poetic blather , and just get serious for a moment , shall we ? Wouldn ’ t you like to be a real blessing to those with whom you minister ? You will be , when you begin to exercise the ministry of presence . This ministry takes place when you simply make yourself available to others . No questions asked , no strings attached , no limits on time or resources . Just available . Unlimited availability flows out of a servant-heart . You ’ ve probably already articulated your desire to manifest that servant-heart in your own life , so go for it , but remember , availability can be a risky business . in their proximity at their bidding , not our own . This is the essence of the ministry of presence ; a self-sacrificing willingness to be always at-theready on behalf of others . Let ’ s say that again . “ A self-sacrificing willingness to be always at-theready on behalf of others .” It is a lofty goal , but accessible in the life of a Christ-servant .
AND HOW ? Now that we ’ ve made the decision to yield our lives through the service of availability ( the ministry of presence ), we must consider the “ how ” of it . How might we prepare to give ourselves away ? What shall we do to stimulate this type of servanthood in our own lives ? The following are four areas in which we prep for the privilege of servant-availability . With our hearts engaged , ears tuned , eyes opened , and hands trained , we ’ ll be ready at any moment to serve the Lord , the leader , the team , the church , and the world !
[ 1 ] ENGAGE YOUR HEART Acknowledge that you are longing to be a Christservant , then stir up that passion , and follow it ! “ Serve the Lord with gladness [ of heart ] . . .” Psalm 100:2a ( NKJV ) “ Servants , be obedient . . . in sincerity of heart , as to Christ ;” Ephesians 6:5a & 5c ( NKJV )
Engagement puts your passion into play . Remember , “ Where the heart flows , the body goes ”. If your heart is not in it , you may as well not show up at all . Engage your heart , and serve with passion .
SANDY HOFFMAN Serves the worshiping community at Christ Church Santa Fe , NM . Visit Sandy online at : www . WorshipWorks . com , or www . ChristChurchSantaFe . org
fire . And yet , in I Kings , He chooses a whisper to communicate with Elijah . Why ? I believe that God wanted Elijah , like us , to be attentive , listening carefully for His next direction . Always keep your ears in gear !
[ 3 ] OPEN YOUR EYES “ Open your eyes to the world all around you , open your eyes , open your eyes . . . “ Keith Green , “ Open Your Eyes ”
The needs might be within the worship environment where you serve . They could be church-wide . They may even be down the street , or around the world ! Who knows !? But once you see the needs , show up and meet those needs with passion — right where they are .
[ 4 ] TRAIN YOUR HANDS “ Whatever your hand finds to do , do it with [ all ] your might . . .” Ecclesiastes 9:10a ( NKJV )
Melodramatic as it may sound , the Christian author , Oswald Chambers , said in his book , “ My Utmost for His Highest ,” that “ one may not choose the site of one ’ s own martyrdom .” The intrinsic nature of servant-availability dictates that we are not allowed to call our own shots or choose the site ( circumstances ) of our own service . We must , instead , be prepared to show up when , where , why , what , and how it is given to us by another ( 99 % of success ... remember ?). Be it the Lord , the leader , the band-mates , or anyone else in need of our willing company , we place ourselves
[ 2 ] TUNE YOUR EARS Listen closely for the still small voice of the Holy Spirit saying , “ Go and do .” “. . . the Lord was not in the wind , . . . the Lord was not in the earthquake , . . . the Lord was not in the fire , . . . [ but ] after the fire , a still small voice .” Taken from I Kings 19:11 & 12 ( NKJV ) Our Father may speak in any manner He chooses . He is capable of stirring up the mighty wind , shaking the earth to an undeniable sub-woofer rumble , or crackling and exploding like a raging
Train your hands to “ play [ serve ] skillfully .” In terms of warfare , allow the Lord to “ train your hands for battle .” In the public places , “ lift up [ your ] holy hands to the Lord .” In private , “ don ’ t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing .”
We see in the Scripture that God put great emphasis on the works of our hands . We ’ re ministers . Our hands are used to comfort , to create , to lay on others for healing , to repair the wall , or even to reduce the wall to rubble when necessary . The possibilities of what our hands continued on 54
36 Jan � Feb 2017 WorshipMusician . com