Worship Musician JanFeb 2017 | Page 32

It ’ s 2017 , and technology continues to amaze and sometimes confuse us with its wondrous progress . For every new smart phone feature , there is a bug that must be patched . For all the coolness of a new digital console , there is a learning curve that must be met . But , with all our doing , are we moving forward with our skill set , or are we just doing the same thing on a new device ? Let ’ s look at some ways we can improve ourselves this year .
Soundcheck used to mean the repeated striking of one drum at a time followed by plucking and tapping of the other instruments in isolated succession as the FOH engineer dialed in the channels individually . This approach , however , does not reflect how music is played . A live band is an ensemble , and soundcheck should reflect this fact . A better method is to perform a line check before the band arrives to insure each mic , DI , and line is working and routed to its proper locale . Soundcheck , then , can be a time for the band to play together and hone their music as a whole . The acoustic guitar may sound tremendous by itself , but in conjunction with the keys , stems , and electric guitar , it may sound muddy . The solution is to shape the acoustic guitar tone in harmony with the other instruments in realtime , since that will be the end result anyway . Plus , musicians love to play , and restraining them from doing so only creates tension between the stage and the booth . It is better to set the band free and work with what they present .
Even coverage of the sound system across the room is more important than running the system in stereo or in a complex LCR configuration . Learning how to achieve smooth coverage begins by walking the room during soundcheck and listening to how each section sounds in relation to the others . If the balcony response seems dull , look at what high-frequency components are directed toward the balcony . If the horn coverage appears complete , consider rolling off the low-end signal directed toward the balcony before simply turning up the treble . Conversely , if the under-balcony is too bright , bring down the high-end instead of boosting the low-end . If the central cluster sounds distant or “ washed-out ”, try adding some slight delay ( 2- 5mS ) to the side speakers relative to the central
A live band is an ensemble , and soundcheck should reflect this fact .. Soundcheck ... can be a time for the band to play together and hone their music as a whole .
speaker . This delay will often clarify the response and eliminate the need to EQ the cluster to any extent . For lobby , cry room , and other ancillary spaces , remember to delay their signal relative to the main system to increase clarity and reduce gain since the sound arrival time will be constructive between the two .
Digital consoles are great , but many engineers have a difficult time getting them routed and set up . For better or worse , audio is now part of IT , and learning how to set up and configure a network is part of the job . There are excellent YouTube tutorials on the subject , and most don ’ t even require a regimen of Mountain Dew and Doritos to navigate .
Connector termination is a skill any competent audio tech should possess . From soldering an XLR to trimming and crimping a CAT6 cable , the ability to create your own interconnects is essential to success . Try practicing on cables that have been discarded , or take one long 100 ’ mic cable and make ten 10 ’ jumpers from it . Repetition creates muscle memory to build an automatic process that repeats over and over without the bane of cold solder joints or misaligned RJ45 ’ s .
For 2017 , learning some new tricks will instill newfound confidence and ability in the way we perform our tasks . It will also make us a more valuable member of the team .
KENT MORRIS 35 year veteran of the worship technology arena with a passion for excellence balanced by the knowledge digital is a temporary state .
32 Jan � Feb 2017 WorshipMusician . com