Interview by Bruce Adolph
[ Bruce Adolph for Worship Musician ] 15 years ago , when we published our first issue of Worship Musician magazine , you were on our cover !
[ David Crowder ] ( laughter ) That was the first one ? No way !
[ WM ] Has it been more of a “ I can ’ t believe it ’ s been that long ,” kind of a feeling , or more of a “ time flies when you ’ re having fun ,” feeling ?
[ DC ] Well this explains everything ! We peaked too soon ! We started out 15 years ago on the cover , and now I ’ ve been working my way back every since . ( more laughter ).
I can ’ t believe it ’ s been 15 years . I think that , along the way , every stage of this has felt crazy . It ’ s so much more than a career , or a job . I get to do what I love , and talk about and think about Jesus all the time . And all the people that have been around me for all of those years are talking about Jesus too .
I remember when we first started at the church in Waco , TX . It was the first Sunday , and there were probably 200 people there in a room that seated 100 . So there were people flowing out the side doors and some were even outside the building and looking in the windows . And I thought , “ This is crazy ! I can ’ t believe we get to make music and sing together with this many people . This is insane !”
And then it grew really quickly and we moved to a big theater downtown , and I thought , “ This is blowing my mind ! I don ’ t even understand . This is nuts !”
20 Jan � Feb 2017 WorshipMusician . com