Worship Musician February 2020 | Page 25

The Jesus lesson is, a man who builds his life [WM] It’s been reported that since 2013, gas wasn’t free. Someone had to organize this on the rocks makes it through the storm. The students involved with Passion have given outing and it was all poor college students who person who hears those words but doesn’t millions of dollars to help eradicate human went on the outing. They were resourceful, they obey them builds their life on the sand, and trafficking and slavery, in addition to other figured out how to do what they wanted to do. I when the rains come and the winds come, the causes. This is remarkable because as an don’t know where they get the money honestly, house collapses. That’s not just a message adjunct professor, I can tell you that college I don’t know where the $1.3 million they gave going into the Roaring Twenties, but it certainly students don’t have money! But the Biblical at Passion 2020 came from. But I do know that is a backdrop that Jesus is trying to get across challenges that you’ve communicated to them when you set something in front of a believer to us in a really powerful way. The Roaring cause them to become generous. Generosity of any age that is inspiring and allows them Twenties as it turns out when you look in a and compassion are distinctives of a true to see how their actions are going to impact rearview mirror was a mirage, and it was just Believer. What are your comments on this? the lives of people not just today but into the a setup for the most difficult decade and the future, I believe people respond to that. Before greatest Depression we had ever seen. There [Louie] I think in history we’ve made fun of the we say, “Oh, you’re poor college students so is a way to turn that around, and we’re going collegiate generation all the time for scrounging you’re not going to do that”, I think you say, to talk about that the next few weeks, but it up change from the sofa cushions to go get “We believe in you, and we believe that you’re starts with making sure that your roar is rooted a Subway sandwich. While they might not be resourceful, and we believe that you love God in something that is steady and steadfast. wealthy necessarily, eighteen to twenty-five- and want to make a difference in the world, and That is obviously the Word of God, the truth year-olds are highly resourceful. If you observe you want to see your life count, so here is the of God, the person of Christ. I think our call them you find that they figure out how to do the opportunity.” Ask them for something instead to our generation isn’t you need to roar in the things they want to do. I know some people on of just assuming that they’re not going to do it. twenties, it’s that Jesus is already roaring and social media, and they maybe live in Atlanta, Why not just ask them to join you in doing it? we just need to let the world hear Him roar but they drove to Birmingham to see Post through us. Malone. That ticket wasn’t cheap, and that February 2020 So, we’ve been doing that for the last decade, Subscribe for Free... 25