TIPS FOR AUDITIONS - PART 2 | Vance & Michelle Shepherd
In last month’s article, we discussed the first three
steps in starting a youth worship team in your
church or ministry. And yes, it can really happen!
STEP 1 was all about booking your first worship
event. We suggested this as your first step,
because once you have a goal to work toward,
everything else will follow.
STEP 2 was choosing your three-song worship set
(we provided some great song ideas), keeping
the songs simple. Remember, you want a great
first event!
STEP 3 was auditioning your singers to determine
who will be leading which songs, so that you can
get the material to the band members (whether
male or female keys). The musician auditions will Any of these software programs will allow them to *** Music Tip: We do ear training with all of our
then follow (drums, keys, guitar, etc). create cycle recording loops of a desired section students, and challenge them to pick out the
of a song that they may be struggling with. This parts that they hear on the original recording,
Very important: once you have determined which tool will maximize their study time by being able not just reading a pop/lyric chord chart.
songs (and keys of songs) for your first worship to loop (repeat) those sections over and over encourage them to hear the notes, hum the notes
event, you’ll want to make an mp3 audition audio without touching a button. If your student doesn’t they hear, and then find them on their instrument.
file of the three songs in order, with the exact have Garage Band, Audacity is a free program It could be a simple one note guitar line, string line
arrangements desired. Digitally pitch up or down for Windows or PC that will allow them to do this etc., but if played can really add to the mix, and
(if needed) each song into the correct performance as well. (Youtube offers tutorials on how to loop will get your team to sound more produced, like
key, with little or no space in between each song. an audio file or any desired section of a song in the original recording. Also, we train their ears to
This makes it easier for the band to memorize the Audacity or Garage Band). not just listen to parts, but also instrument tones
order of the set list, and also trains them how to
(what type of guitar patch, keyboard patch, etc).
lead in to the next song with little or no dead time. On the band audition day (this will be 1-2 weeks You don’t want to them to play the synth riff that’s
Transitions between songs are very important! before your worship event), audition all of your on the recording with a piano sound.
students with this same audio file, because it
*** Tech Tip for your mp3 audition audio file: Do really lets you hear how accurate (or not) they On your first group rehearsal for your event, if at
a mono mix down of each song, then pan all are. During the audition, you should have a note all possible, try and hold this rehearsal in the same
the audio to the left. Next, add in a click track, pad, taking notes per song, and scoring each room that you will be performing your event in.
panning it to the right side. This allows the song to determine if they will pass the audition This way you can make all of your adjustments
students to turn down the music side of the audio for that month's worship event. If they don’t to sound, stage plot, etc. It’s best not to deal with
file so that they hear mostly click and just a little of pass, we recommend giving them the option this on the day of the event (especially with a large
the original song, or vice versa. It's like a glorified of one extra audition, using the notes that you worship team).
metronome with the arrangements attached to took from their audition to help them focus in on it. (Practicing with a metronome is crucial, and which parts they need to practice to pass their We hope this inspires you and gives you some
creates great groove and feel in a musician, as audition. If they still do not pass with the extra fresh, practical ideas to start building your youth
well as training them to play with a click track on audition, there is always next month’s worship worship team, and may you be blessed as you
any worship team that may require that). You can event (remember: the goal to start your worship pour into the next generation of worship leaders!
produce these audio files, as well as pitching your ministry is one event per month). Try to encourage songs, in many digital work stations including them to keep pushing ahead in their studies. We Cubase, Garage Band, etc. This audition audio do not recommend passing them when they are file is a great tool for the students to practice to. not musically or vocally ready.
February 2020
Vance & Michelle Shepherd
Founders of The Shepherd School of Music in Las
Vegas, NV, where they work with youth to raise up the
next generation of worship leaders and musicians.
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