L.R. Baggs' Mike Newsom during the [WM] pre-show tour
risen that help us tremendously with our to play as much as you do in front of steady there in person we get to then interact and
discussions with marketing managers for these audiences (and some of them large audiences) make new friends in the NAMM community.
equipment companies. Did you know that week in and week out. You are blessed for It is truly an amazing thing to see what the
30% of all new guitars, amps, effect pedals, serving the Lord and your local church like you Lord does each year. NAMM allowed us to
keyboards and drums sell to churches and their do. So we had scores of great meetings with invite scores of worship leaders, musicians
worship teams? Did you know that 60% of all equipment manufacturers’ who have a genuine and tech teams to the convention this year.
Pro Audio gear sells to the House of Worship interest in what we do as a digital magazine. BIG SUCCESS #7.
community? 50% of all digital drums? BIG SUCCESS #6. Add to that the fact that there are 360,000 And lastly, this year’s NAMM Show was full of calendars… January 21-24, 2021 back at the
churches each weekend in American playing opportunities to deepen relationships. Several Anaheim Convention center - right across the
live music. Do you know how many “non- of our writers were gathered there. Our ad street from Disneyland. Watch for details in
church” venues there are in the U.S. to play sales team too. When we get a chance to [WM]. Perhaps when I hit the 40 th year mark
live music? How about 16,500 or so. Do the work side by side in person it is always good I will get a NAMM watch to commemorate the
math! Plus, you worship musicians practice at for the publication. We all might live in different milestone? Ha!
home, go to a rehearsal each week and then parts of the country but this annual pilgrimage play two or three services (what non-church really cements good and Godly relationships Our [WM] exhibit booth was an active place for
musicians would call “sets’) each weekend. with our team members – which also shows all four days too where interested attendees
No too many musicians have the opportunity up in the pages of [WM]. Plus, by being gathered. Some good ministry happens there
Maybe you should join us next year? Mark your
February 2020
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