Have you ever struggled to engage with your people’s hearts, break down distractions, of worship. One of the most powerful things
congregation during worship? You are certainly and bring freedom. The connection that your that we can experience as worship leaders is
not alone in this. As a worship team, we are, in congregation has during the times of worship to hear the voice of the church singing at the
a way, the first line of defense. This makes me reveals what your church needs to continue top of their lungs in worship. You may feel a
think about the battles that showed musicians proclaiming to overcome any distraction. Pay little uncomfortable in the beginning if you’ve
at the very front leading the way into battle. In attention to body language and reactions never done it before but remember that you
a similar way, the worship team goes face-to- to certain songs. These details will help you are creating a culture in which the church will
face with everything that wants to interrupt our create excellent and intentional setlists that will know that they are free to sing out and engage
worship. In this article, I want to share some connect musically and theologically with your with the band. Everything takes time, so don’t
tips that can help you navigate distractions and church. get discouraged if the progress is slower than
lead your congregation to an incredible time of
you’d like.
One of the biggest distractions for musicians is BE VULNERABLE
PREPARE PRACTICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY to be thinking about chords and/or lyrics. This Many times, people come up with the idea that
Your personal preparation and the preparation can become one of the biggest obstacles to people on the stage are different than they are,
of each member of your team is a vital part of achieving a connection with your congregation. but the reality is that we are all human and we
being able to lead freely and in confidence. Your personal preparation, along with the are all fighting our own battles. Vulnerability
Some ways to prepare in these areas include, overall preparation of your team, will give you allows people to interact with you and opens
meeting with your leadership team to pray the freedom to be present in the moment and the door for them to enter a moment of worship.
weekly before preparing a setlist for that week. not worry about what to play or sing next. Make When the appropriate time comes, don't be
Pray and ask God to reveal to you what the sure that you know your parts for every song afraid to share something that happened to
congregation needs to hear and proclaim that and take time to learn your equipment and you during the week that connects with a song
week. Also, make sure that your equipment is software that you may be using to run your you’re singing. Being vulnerable let's people
ready to go and you have everything you need sounds or tracks. know that they are not alone and therefore, we
on stage with you.
can boldly enter into worship all together.
Music is extremely powerful. Through music, platform and the congregation. Be dynamic by
God creates amazing connections that soften involving the congregation during your times
February 2020
Christy Colmenares
Resides in Austin, TX and forms part of the
MultiTracks.com team as the Brand Manager
for MultiTracks.com’s Latin American branch,
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