NAMM Show Report:
by Bruce Adolph
Best NAMM Show ever? Pretty lofty statement company sponsors, all who wanted to meet the year. That evening we (along with our
there, but I have the vantage point to back it up. worship leaders and Christian artists from our friends at CCLI) sponsored Yamaha’s Night of
This was my 39 Winter NAMM convention (I community. I wasn’t sure how this A&R type Worship at the Hilton Hotel right next door to
know – a lot of you weren’t even born yet when party would turn out. We bought lots of snacks the convention center. The line to get in to the
I walked into my first one – Ha!). For the non- and soda pops and were given 180 sets of Pacific Ballroom was the longest I have seen
initiated, the NAMM Show is one of the largest Martin guitar strings - one for each guest and it in the 11 years since we helped launch this
conventions in the world – a huge gathering other door-prizes by some of our sponsoring worship concert at NAMM. Yamaha brought
of over 3,000 musical instrument brands on companies to offer our attendees. The event in Michael W. Smith (with our friend Stu G on
display in eight cavernous exhibit halls at the was slated for two hours and by 20 minutes electric guitar) as the artists that night and the
Anaheim Convention center in sunny California. after the doors opened - all of the guitar strings 1,500-seat ballroom quickly filled to capacity.
Over 115,000 music industry folks attend this were gone! After the first hour, all of the snacks Wow! Michael did a great job that night and
annual four-day event. and drinks were gone. And the party rolled Yamaha gave him a special award for all that
on from there. There was a true buzz in the he has done with them over the years. I had
I also know as publisher of [WM] that this was room as old friends reunited and lots of new the opportunity to go back to the green room
the highest level of participation we have ever friendships were created and the sponsoring and spend some personal time catching up
had at NAMM this year. Really you say? Here companies loved it. We will do this again next with Michael. He is a pillar in this community
is how… year and bring more guitar strings and snacks! of ours and I have always respected him.
started, we co-hosted the first Pre-NAMM The opening Thursday of the NAMM show was This year we tried another first-time event…
HANG with Gear Talk Praise & Worship at the full of meetings for us with major equipment early morning tours on Friday and Saturday.
Packing District’s Cooks Chapel. We had 17 companies seeing their new products for Our Editorial Director Doug Doppler led a group
On the Wednesday night eve, before NAMM
February 2020
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