Photo Credit: Roxana Moure/Passion 2020
addresses the impact of our earthly fathers but we also long for that from our Creator, the their way by a father that had abandoned them
upon our lives, as well as the attributes of our One that made us. or was abusive or disinterested. To help them
over those hurdles so that they can see that
perfect Father in heaven. Like you, I had the
blessing of my father upon my life and calling, So, the hope of the book is to help people over God truly is none of those things, and that they
and fondly remember and miss him dearly. But those hurdles if they have them, because the can trust Him and know Him and know His
not everyone has had that experience. What enemy knows that God wants to be a Father to blessing over their life and live in that blessing
can you tell us about this book? sons and daughters, then of course the enemy every single day.
is going to target and try to destroy fatherhood.
[Louie] The book really has a heart of hope, If he can do that, He’s going to crack the image [WM] At Passion 2020 you asked tens of
and that is that everyone would be able to see of God in people’s hearts and make it difficult thousands of college students, “How do
God and to know Him as a perfect Father. for them to trust Him or believe in Him or know you know that Jesus rose from the grave?
It came from a series of talks I did entitled Him in that way. The book just really tries to walk How do you know the truth?” What a great
“Seeing God as a Perfect Father”, and we with people through the good and the bad, and question! Pontius Pilate asked that same
switched that around a little for the release over hurdles that maybe have been placed in question of Jesus; “What is truth?” Those in
of the book. But it really is for all of us, no our disillusioned culture not caught up in the
matter what kind of relationship we have with politically argumentative frenzy, are asking it as
our earthly dads; to help us see God and to well. But most people are looking for truth in the
understand that in all of the ways He’s revealed wrong places. What can you tell us about the
Himself to us. The primary way He’s revealed “Share Light” campaign and your partnership
Himself in relationship with us is as a Father. with illumiNations? What critical role does
That matters obviously because we all long for the Word of God have in our becoming both
keepers of the light and carriers of the light of
a father’s blessing on the earthly father’s side,
“Not Forsaken” Book
February 2020
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