“Instagram it, or it didn’t happen.” This is a line me to post about my life. However, my wife Another way to approach social media is that it’s
many of us live by nowadays. I am astonished mentioned to me that I should use it as a tool a great way to brand. I constantly promote my
at how much us musicians have at our disposal to network with other people and share with presets, stems, albums, t shirts and brands that
- right at our fingertips. Back when I was the world what I was doing. At the time, I was I personally use. I’ve been an artist for several
younger we didn’t have a social media platform already busy touring and producing records companies like Gretsch Guitars, Mcpherson
for us to use as a way to reach more people. I for artist and so I slowly started posting about Guitars, a few different pedal companies and
recently had a conversation with a guitarist that things but felt awkward doing it. pedal board companies for a while now. These
played for one of the most well-known artists
companies understand the importance of
of my generation. He mentioned to me that I’m currently pushing over 75,000 followers on investing into someone that’ll invest back into
he wished he had Instagram, Facebook and Instagram and Facebook. I’m not saying that them. I’ve gotten a lot of comments from other
YouTube at his disposal when he was traveling to brag about myself, but to talk about the guitar players asking why they are not getting
the world playing in stadiums and arenas. In importance it’s had on my career. Branding offered free equipment from companies and
the beginning of the social media era, I didn’t what we do is important and I want to explain it’s because they still don’t understand how it
realize the importance and value of social media and teach others how they can do it too. works.
people globally. I now use it multiple times daily For us musicians, social media is what I would I’m here to encourage you all that we have
and strategically as part of my brand, person consider our modern-day business card or these tools at our fingertips. It just takes the
and business. catalog. It’s important to create traffic and right mentality to use them to better our career.
as a tool to market and network with so many
content that’ll stick in people’s heads. That way I hope this article has helped you understand
I remember back in 2011 when my daughter when they want to call on someone you’ll be a little more on how our social media platform
was born I used Instagram solely as a program fresh on their minds. It’s also a great way to can be very useful. Let’s take advantage of
to edit the pictures I took of her. I wasn’t even create clientele. I’ve gotten emails from artist it and create content and momentum that’ll
aware that it was a social media platform, I just right after posting something because they benefit the Kingdom of God!
liked it for the filters it offered. I have always liked what I did with another artist.
been a private person so it wasn’t natural for
February 2020
Chris Rocha
Lives in Houston, TX, and is the guitarist and
producer for Miel San Marcos
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