We are excited to announce the launch of The on all things worship (gear of course included). need is, which is why from this first episode
Worship Guitar Show, our weekly YouTube You’ll also be hearing from the likes of our very we’ll be equipping you with the ability to use
program. The goal of this show is to inform, own Michael Hodge (Lakewood Community diatonic numbers so you can learn songs faster
equip, and inspire worship guitar players (and Church) and Jeffrey B. Scott (Church of the and retain how to play them longer.
bass players too) to get #BetterBySunday and City) as they share their wisdom and expertise.
EMERGING TECHNOLOGY We also know that without input from you,
GEAR GALORE [WM] founder also had a ‘God word’ when he we’re only seeing part of the picture. To make
We all know that worship guitar players love reminded me that we should do all we can to The Worship Guitar Show the best it can be we
guitars and gear, but we also know that worship inform our audience to emerging trends like need your feedback, so we hope to hear from
musicians are not the target audience for a amp-embedded IRs. This is one of the reasons you in the comments.
number of the YouTubers we know and love. that episode one features an in-depth interview This is why we figured we’d jump in the mix and with Guillaume Pille from Two Notes Audio SHARING IS CARING
do our best to bring you a worship-centric take Engineering. No one has done more to deliver Last but in no way least, we’d love it if you can
on the latest and our greatest gear out there. a range of great sounding solutions that solve help us spread the word about the show. The
the bevy of challenges associated with the more people who tune in, the more things we’ll
silent stage. be able to do to serve you.
interviewing some of the most impactful worship NOTED THANKS IN ADVANCE
guitarists out there, and just like the “What’s on We are also aware that a lot of churches lack We’re looking forward to the journey together,
YOUR board” feature with Michael Pope (aka the resources to equip their musicians on how so thanks in advance for joining us!
Saint Pope) we’ll be calling on some of our to grow on their respective instruments and in friends to share their wisdom and expertise the general musicality. We realize how big this
Over the years we’ve had the privilege of
February 2020
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