I was so impressed with all of the innovations it the planet would lean this far forward into the inlay on the 12 th fret and the round vinyl record
took to reimagine this guitar. I was impressed future is inspiring. High marks to Martin for the type model number label inside the soundhole.
with the aesthetics and build quality and then leadership to not rest on their laurels – which the kicker – it is made in their long running are impressive to say the least – and lean into One last comment, placing the round tuner
Mexico facility. Which brings it in at a price point the future of what an acoustic guitar can do. angled just inside the soundhole so you can
of just $1,499.00 MAP. Wow again!
look down into your guitar and clearly see the
The SC-13E comes with a much better than tuner (and no one else can) was brilliant. Do
We showcased this SC model at our Pre- average padded gig bag. A left-handed model yourself, your ears and your fingers a favor – go
NAMM HANG and it was fun to see a wide mix will most likely follow next year. Martin broke play this guitar! I know I am.
of players… music producers, capo makers, away from their traditional bridge that has worship guitarists – all have their jaws drop as graced millions of guitars and came up with they played this guitar. this new curved shape. No sacred cows here,
whatever was best for the new design, got what
To think that the oldest guitar company on
was best. Two special touches are the large dot
February 2020
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$1,499.00 MAP