Worship Musician February 2019 | Page 58

see, the right person at the right time.” And that join the team, become part of the team, but find worship leaders, and creative. When I released was so transformative in my thinking, not just in mothers and fathers in your life. Pray and ask that prayer to the Lord I was so fascinated that that area of my life, but in so many areas. the Lord. You may have an idea in your head of within two weeks three women very actively what those people will look like, but He knows pursued friendship with me, and they are Now, way down the road here, I can look back, what we need sometimes better than we do. now my closest friends. In many ways, they and if you were to ask me to make a list of the He might have people in mind that may not be are nothing like me, they are not people that I top ten moments or things in my life that helped what you would have picked, but who will be would have just picked out of the crowd, but in make you the worship leader I am, I could say the best for you. I even do this with my friends, them I can see all of the things that I needed in with almost certainly that most if not all of there was a point where we had moved, and I my life, the friendship that I needed in my life. those moments had nothing to do with being felt like I just needed girlfriends in my life. You They help bring balance and a different mindset on a stage, or singing, or leading worship, or know, I’m on a team with all dudes, and we’re and a different opinion, and I to them, and it’s having another worship leader trying to bring traveling all the time, and then I gave birth to really incredible. I just think that sometimes the something out of me. These were moments children and of course had two boys right away Lord knows better who and what we need in in my relationship with God, and in my pursuit (laughs). So I just felt like I was surrounded our lives. So, in finding mothers and fathers I of becoming the best version of myself and by males and I needed some females in my think it’s really incredible to get out there and be become the person that He created me to be. life. I prayed, and I felt this thing in me that in your community and pray, and ask the Lord just wanted to say, “Lord, will you just bring to bring you these people. And don’t judge a Becoming more ‘free’. This is what has shaped friends to me? I trust that you know who those book by its cover, just wait and let the Lord me and molded me and helped me be a really women should be, and I’m not going to make a bring you to the right people. great worship leader, a great leader, a great judgment”. Because I think my natural tendency mother, a great wife, a great friend. Going would be to try and find other women just like So first thing, we’ve got people pouring into back, I think that the best place to start is to myself, who are career driven, who are maybe our lives, some nurturers, some mothers, some 58 February 2019 Subscribe for Free...