For generations, people have sought the [WM] A number of ‘Christian bands’ that came
endless summer of California, in search of out around the same time as Switchfoot have
something more. The same sunny shores that fallen off the map. Why do you think you’ve had
inspired Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys also such incredible staying power?
birthed the Jesus Movement, and years later
Switchfoot. Tim Foreman’s quote sums up what [Jon] I don’t know. There are so many bands
that journey looks like from within Switchfoot, that I love and appreciate. POD is from our
much as the video for “Let It Happen” does
hometown. There’s a lot of incredible music
“Let It Happen” // Switchfoot
from the outside looking in.
coming from San Diego that I’m so proud of,
and I’m always surprised at which bands are
After a brief hiatus, the Grammy-winning band at that point was to graduate college, and around five years later. I can’t say why one band
is back on the road in support of another great music was a really beautiful, fun, incredible doesn’t seem to catch and another one does,
album, Native Tongue. This latest offering is form of expression that I never saw as a career. but I do know… I think every record for us,
filled with infectious songs that remind us that Switchfoot was a name that we picked because we kind of burn everything we’ve done in the
hope still springs eternal. We were fortunate we got a chance to travel around the world and past and kind of start from scratch and decide
enough to catch up with frontman Jon Foreman play these songs, and we thought, let’s keep first and foremost if we have anything to say.
for the following interview just after the first a little bit of Southern California with us. Let’s Do we want to get back in the ring for another
single dropped… title our band after a surfing term because all round? I think for us these are songs that mean
three of us – we were a three piece at the time, something to us, we truly believe what we’re
[WM] I’ve always been fascinated by the loved surfing. We also liked the connotation singing. Not that other bands don’t, but I can
name Switchfoot. While it originated from your of movement and change, and the fact that it only imagine that hopefully that is connecting
SoCal surfing roots (and not something a guitar didn’t feel like we fit in anywhere and we were with other people and has something to do with
player steps on), can you recap how you chose a little different than everyone. It felt like that why we still are around doing what we do. I was
that name, what it meant to you then, and what was what the name meant to me then. I think just on another interview talking about how
it means to you after two plus decades? it’s a great name for us because it still feels like grateful I am to be able to play these songs live,
we’re trying to figure out where we fit. I think it feels like there’s this community that we have.
[Jon Foreman] To rewind the clock, the year I’m somewhat thankful that we don’t sound like People will come to four or five shows in one
is 1997 and we just recorded our first album. everybody or anybody and that we’ve got our tour. We’ve had people who come and it’s their
My brother is still in high school, and I haven’t own path. That’s my take on the name twenty twentieth show, their fiftieth show, and their
dropped out of college yet (laughs). The goal years later (laughs). hundredth show. It becomes this community
February 2019
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