[Jon] My experience as a musician… I knew money, let alone pay rent and have a career. also had a vibe back then. For me the record
about U2, and The Beatles, and The Police, My goal was to do that, to maybe tour up the store was not only my way to see what people
and Led Zeppelin, but they weren’t really actual coast. The record store was where I would find were doing around town, but also a portal into
characters. They were like Mickey Mouse, out about… it was kind of a portal into other the rest of the universe. “Oh my gosh, there’s a
Donald Duck and Superman. My understanding towns around the country. Here’s a strange one band from the UK… What do they sound like?
of music was the local musicians that would that no one really talks about, but it used to be What is happening over there?” It sounds really
play at the coffee shop, the bar downtown, that towns would have a certain sound. You strange talking about it now, because I don’t
the backyard barbeque, whatever it was, would hear bands from Athens, and they would think that a kid who’s nineteen or twenty can
those were my heroes. So locally, whether you sound like they were from Athens. You’d hear understand what it’s like to not have the world
had Pinback, or Heavy Vegetable, or Three bands from Chicago and there was a sound at their fingertips at all times.
Mile Pilot, any number of bands you’ve never that came out of Chicago at that time in the late heard of from San Diego, that’s what I thought ‘90’s and everyone know what it was. If I tried [WM] The industry has changed so much.
a musician was. I had no idea that you could to do it, it would be like, “Oh no, you’re from What is it like having grown up listening to
tour somewhere outside of California and make San Diego, you can’t do that.” And San Diego ‘B-sides’ to making records that are perceived
February 2019
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