[ SIGNAL ALIGNMENT | Kent Morris ]
With all our getting (of gear), we need to wedges create, and their elimination is a praise band setting, the sound system can
get understanding (of how to use it). This great start toward cohesive sound. Remoting be “aligned” to the snare drum if the acoustic
paraphrase of Proverbs 4:7 may not pass guitar amps is another common way to take signature of the snare impedes on the PA. A
muster in seminary, but it is true in tech world. sound generation off the stage. Aside from simple step is to measure the distance from the
One important aspect of understanding audio commercial solutions, there are a number of main speaker back to the snare drum and add
is to grasp the importance of aligning acoustic worthy DIY designs available online. Finally, that amount of delay to all the speaker outputs.
signals in an enclosed space. It is important to consider adding stage isolation gobos. These For instance, if the snare is eleven feet behind
note all frequencies travel at the same speed acoustic panels are easily home built and can the cluster, add 9mS delay to the LMS outputs.
and there is no such thing as time delay, since dramatically reduce the time smear of piano Sound travels just over a foot per millisecond
time cannot be delayed, only signals can. When mics picking up cymbals and other signals out (1130 fps) so the math is straightforward. This
multiple sound sources generate in near time of sync with their origin point. trick will often “tuck-in” the mains and delays
to the stage energy for a tighter sound in the
from various locations within the room, the
sonic result can be displeasing to the ear. Here 3. DELAY SPEAKERS
are some ways to clean it up: Get the delay speakers in step with the mains.
Under and over balcony, along with front fill 5. MAKE THE SUBS PART OF THE SOLUTION
1. EVALUATE and side fill speakers, are often not delayed Make the subs part of the solution. There are
Evaluate the sources and locations of sound correctly to the main speaker system. The result several methods for pulling subs and mains
generators used during the service of worship. is a cacophony of sound with no cohesion. A together in a constructive fashion, but one
The obvious ones are the main speakers properly set delay speaker cannot be heard simple path is to delay the subs back to the
and wedges monitors, but also consider the locally when the mains are on. Only when the mains, either with tone and polarity or by
instrument amplifiers, any acoustic sources, mains are off should the delay be heard as a measuring the distance differential. If the subs
such as drums and piano and ancillary separate source. With DSP LMS (Loudspeaker are on the floor, they will likely be physically in
speakers, both within and outside the sanctuary. Management Systems) available now for little front of the mains, so delaying their arrival to
Note the level and frequency make-up of each money, it is a worthwhile investment to make. the audience to coincide with the mains makes
source and realize they all combine in differing Setting the delay involves laying in output delay sense. If the subs are flown, they are in the
degrees at every location in the room. Each to the ancillary speaker in an amount equal to its same plane and should not need delay.
of these devices creates a unique timbre, and converted distance to the primary cluster plus a does so from a unique location. Unfortunately, few milliseconds added to reduce precedence Creating a coherent arrival for all the sound
each listener is also in a unique location, so of the first heard wavefront (the Haas Effect). sources in a room can make a world of
correcting arrivals for one seat creates issues Each zone of delays will need its own setting. difference in the performance of the sound
in other seats. Usually, the extreme highs and lows are rolled system. Now that you have an idea of what to
off and the level is kept below the threshold of do, start dialing in some signal delay.
Remove or reduce as many secondary sources
as possible. The popular trend away from 4. CONSIDER DELAYING THE ENTIRE AUDIO SYSTEM
floor monitors and to IEMs (In-Ear Monitors) Consider delaying the entire audio system to the
is largely due to the detrimental backwash loudest noise on the stage. In a contemporary
February 2018
Kent Morris
35 year veteran of the worship technology arena
with a passion for excellence balanced by the
knowledge digital is a temporary state.