Not everyone has the ‘luxury’ of being able to as a guitar player, if you can rid yourself of the In order to breathe correctly, it’s imperative to
just walk on a platform, grab a mic, and have music, then you can interact much better with have correct posture. In the same way that
fun singing! Many of us, as worship leaders, are your congregation. drummers have to sit, so do many keyboard
players. If you are in a sitting position when you
also providing much needed accompaniment
via musical instruments as well. Being the lead As a keyboard player or drummer, you don’t play and there’s no way around it, then make
worshipper, providing decent vocals, as well as have the same option. There will always be sure you “sit from the waist up”. Pull up hard
providing a respectable musical background something between you and your congregation. from the chest until you can feel that the rib-
for worship can be a trick. Here are some tips However, you do have the option of being as cage is off the diaphragm. Relax your shoulders
to help you accomplish this lofty goal. prepared as possible. Anything you can do though, or you’ll get too much tension. This is
to free up your brain to focus more on proper a tricky balance to try to maintain when you’re
vocal technique will be a plus. playing either drums or keys because of the
involvement of the arms and shoulders in your
The most important thing any musician can do
is to learn his instrument. Beyond the basics WHY IS VOCAL TECHNIQUE SO IMPORTANT? there comes the artistry. Few of us really get While the chance, or find it really relevant, to truly important, proper vocal technique can mean display our musical, artistic ability during times the difference between you being able to speak FINAL CHECK
of worship. Nonetheless, honing our craft is still afterward or not! It can also mean the difference To summarize: You need to make sure that you
a positive goal for a number of reasons. between you being able to sing next year or have at least a rudimentary understanding of
playing. Check frequently to make sure you are
staying relaxed.
not. A lot of physical damage to the vocal folds proper vocal technique - this is step one. Next,
The more you know about how to use your can be done with improper technique (some you need to prepare your music well; leaving
instrument, the easier it becomes to do the of it permanent). While damage to your body yourself plenty of ‘mind space’ to focus on your
right things with less effort. This makes things can result from improper technique with other singing technique - then you have taken step
easier on a Sunday morning. This is why it’s instruments, it doesn’t usually happen as two. The last step to help insure that you are
so important to know both of your instruments quickly, and there are generally signs that are singing correctly is to do a self check.
well. My guess is that the vast majority of singing more difficult to ignore. We tend to overlook instrumentalists feel more accomplished on hoarseness as an annoying necessity, when in Have a look in the mirror to make sure that you
the instrument they’re playing rather than their fact it’s a screaming sign to stop doing what are employing proper singing technique. If you
‘vocal instrument’. Getting some basic training you’re doing to your voice. are sitting, check your posture. Even if you are
standing with your instrument, check to be sure
on the proper use of your voice might be a great
PROPER BREATH SUPPORT you are relaxed, yet with proper posture. The
One of the keys to avoiding vocal strain is to stay mirror is great immediate feedback. Taking and
PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! relaxed and use proper breath support. This can viewing a video of yourself during an actual time
The most important thing you can do if you seem almost impossible at times while playing of worship would be invaluable. Then you can
feel more accomplished on your instrument an instrument. One of the most physically taxing see what you actually do when you’re in front
(than your voice) is to practice to the point of instruments to play is the drums. While it’s less of an audience. That’s where the rubber meets
not needing to concentrate much at all on your common for the lead vocalist to be a drummer, the road.
technique or the music. For example, if you’re it does sometimes happen. Even if not the lead a guitar player, and you can get to the place vocalist, a drummer needs to sing to show his where you can pretty much play the song in participation in worship. But the key here is lots your sleep, then you’re good! If you can change of practice and good vocal technique from the chords without looking and you know which start. This includes proper breathing, which is chord is coming next, then you can free your essential.
first step toward polishing the total package.
brain up to think more about singing. Especially
February 2018
God bless!
Sheri Gould
Internationally acclaimed vocal coach with a
degree from U of Illinois. Coaching since ‘79 and
leading worship since ‘85.