listened to a Christian radio station at our job the back of my hand. And now I’ve come full Greg Allman called “My Cross to Bear,” the
sites. Wherever we were working, whether in circle, getting to play that music and be part of story of the Allman Brothers Band. It is about
the country or the city, he would find a Christian that genre. his struggle through the years with drugs and
station. It drove the construction guys crazy
alcohol while being the front man for a Rock
because they wanted to listen to Rock and [WM] How did you make the transition from and Roll band, and about finding spirituality. He
Roll. It bothered me because people would Rock to Christian music? believed in the Lord, and it was a cool book.
make fun of my dad, and I thought, “Man, why
It’s funny how God uses things that you don’t
are you making us listen to this?” He would [Zach] In 2012 my wife and I had gotten to one even know He’s using. He used that book, and
always joke and tell everybody that if they got of the low points in my life. My band was leaving a song by Big Daddy Weave.
to work before he did, then they could pick the on a month-long tour of Europe and Spain. My radio station. So, he always got to work before wife and I were about to get a divorce. She was Our driver was scanning radio stations while
everybody. pregnant with our daughter, and we had three I was reading. I took my headphones off to
other kids. I was living hard with the alcohol talk to the band guys, and then “Redeemed”
I really feel like God used my dad and used that and drug problem. We had been invited to this by Big Daddy Weave comes across the radio.
music. Even when I turned 20 years old and church in our hometown and started going We were in Spain. I remember thinking, “What
started running from the Lord and was living to it, and things started changing. I began is this?” I knew it was a Christian band and a
in the bars, playing Rock music and traveling thinking I could get straightened out. But I left Christian song, but I had never heard it before. I
around. My dad had me in church every day for the tour, and as soon as the plane landed remember stopping, and it was like God spoke
on the job site listening to KLove, Air One, or I was back into my old ways, just living this to me in that moment and told me there was
American Family Radio. For all these years, it reckless lifestyle. a way out if I would turn over these gifts that
was like God had this plan. When I had the
He had given me and use them for Him. It was
opportunity to start working at a church about While I was in Spain we were in a sprinter like He was telling me, “I see you in a different
5 years ago and led worship for the first time, bus, and our bus driver was scanning radio way than you see yourself.” It was a glimmer of
these songs were ingrained into my DNA like stations one day. I was reading a book about hope for me, and I called my wife that day from
February 2018