own over 50 guitars so there are lots of choices!
acknowledged it with another lick of his own.
Next thing I know, we are in a full jam session! It
I’m loving my Tyler Amps! They are built after wasn’t a time of trying to out-do each other, but
classic amps with the highest quality parts and a moment of us both pouring our hearts out to
the best craftsmanship. A go to amp is the JT- the Lord. It was one of the most amazing times
14. For my direct rig, I’ve been using the Revv onstage I’ve ever experienced! Thank you Phil,
D20. Best pedal based direct rig amp on the for that moment, I will always remember it!
scene right now.
[WM] How does your faith in Jesus impact
My core board is a board built by Barry O’Neal
what you do every day as a musician?
at XTS Audio Solutions. It’s a simple board
that allows me to patch in other boards that [Dave] As a disciple of Jesus Christ, everything
will match the vibe of the project I’m working I do is impacted by His presence with me.
on. Here are the pedals on my core board: 2 I try to honor Him in everything I do and that
Mission expression pedals, Sonic Research includes everytime I pick up the guitar. There
tuner, Line6 Helix FX and an Eventide H9. are a lot of situations in the studio that it might
It’s simple but Barry Wired it to integrate with be the wrong time to start talking about Jesus.
any situation I need to cover. It works with my But He’s with me, He’s not waiting in the car for
amps, but also works with my direct rig. Check me to get done tracking and then we are back
out davecleveland.com for more about that rig. together. No, He’s with me and I believe His
light shines through me and my playing. So, on
[WM] You have just become an endorsee for those sessions where people may be offended
Paul Reed Smith Guitars. Congratulations! That by the Gospel, they can’t deny something
is quite an honor. Tell us about that? different in me. And when those times lead
to someone asking me about my faith, all the
[Dave] I am so excited about my new better! He never leaves us or forsakes us.
relationship with PRS guitars! I’ve always
owned PRS guitars, but now to be in the family [WM] And last, a word about community. You
is a real dream come true! Thanks to James have quite a cool circle of other musicians…
Fox and Bev Fowler for making this happen. drummers,
James approached me at CMS 2019 and producers and other guitarists. What has that
started laying out a long-term plan to partner done to help you personally as you have built
with PRS. Stay tuned for exciting events that I community around your efforts as a musician?
will be part of in the future!
[Dave] I have been so blessed with a great
[WM] Recently at the CMS conference you community of players, writers, producers,
[WM] Let’s switch gears here. What are some had a chance to support Phil Keaggy in a band engineers and friends. They make the journey
of your favorite guitars in your arsenal? Guitar setting. Then at the end of “John the Revelator” so much fun and fulfilling. Many are my “go-to”
amps and pedals you are currently using? you and the legendary guitarist started trading friends for counsel and prayer.
guitar solos for a rousing ending. What was that
[Dave] As you know, I’m always looking for
moment like?
You really want to build that community of
people around you. People who will encourage
the gear that will inspire me and create the
[Dave] I’m a huge Phil Keaggy fan! To have you and challenge you. At the end of the day, at
an opportunity to be a part of his band for a the end of the age, what you do for the sake of
My go to guitars are: Riggio Sierra, Rust Tele, night was amazing! The night was going great the Kingdom is all that will remain.
Duesenberg Starplayer, Gretsch Brian Setzer and I feel like the band was nailing the tunes, as and PRS 594 SC. On the acoustic side: Olson Phil brought his genius to the audience. During I’ve always tried to live my life for the things
Dreadnaught, Jumbo, the song “John the Revelator” I played a little that remain: God, His Word, family and
Gibson SJ-200 and Guild Mark 2 nylon string. I lick in response to Phil. He turned around and friends... love.
music that will hopefully inspire others.
December 2019
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