means knowing the songs, knowing the parts
and dialing in the tones that are right for those
songs and parts.
If they know you are going to always do the
right thing and you have a great attitude, it gives
them less to have to think about as they lead
worship. Serve, serve, serve!
[WM] I have personally seen how you teach
Guitar Bootcamps at our Christian Musician
Summit conferences over the years. Some
guitarists seem to play for their own sakes/
careers but you have a real desire to help other
guitarists improve. Where does this open-
handed attitude stem from?
[Dave] I guess I just love to see musicians
improve. To see those moments where the
"light comes on" and they take it to another
level is such a joy for me. To me, it's natural to
give out of what you've been given. So many
people have poured into my life and I love giving
back to others.
[WM] You have been preparing for quite a
while a guitar video based teaching course and
you are now just releasing it. Tell us the name
of the website and how it works? What is the
hope you have for your students?
[Dave] Thanks for asking about that! It's
website that hopefully will be a resource for
guitarist for years to come.
Dave with his Riggio guitar.
Our first series is Essential Guitar. It’s a 52-week
we go with that. Nobody takes rejection of their
program designed to help all guitarist either
learn the guitar or fill in gaps for those who have
idea personally because we want the best. It is
played for a while.
amazing to me, though, how what might be a [WM] You have the opportunity to support bad idea actually with a little tweak can be the many different worship artists as they lead Each lesson provides a warm up, reading, ear
thing that makes the tune. worship in a live environment. Tell us your training, triads, a lick and a jam section. Having
approach in that role of worship guitar player? 52 warmups will keep your hands always
This is a very fun and pleasing process. I hope
many, if not all, of you will get to experience.
learning new patterns that will in turn give you
[Dave] My main objective is to give the
greater flexibility and dexterity.
worship leader confidence as they lead. That
December 2019
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