By Bruce Adolph
To be able to make a living and raise a family then Steven Curtis Chapman. From that point, was wrapping up, I was looking for more
playing music is a dream many of us share. I was the guitarist for numerous other tours opportunities to stay at home and do sessions.
Dave Cleveland has leveraged his personal including The Young Messiah, Phillips, Craig I had played on projects through my touring
integrity and grown his guitar skills to the point and Dean, Susan Ashton, Russ Taff, Avalon, career, but the thought of staying home full time
where for decades now he has accomplished Crystal Lewis and The Gettys. was daunting.
that lofty goal that so many musicians have. [WM] What is the advice you would give to Fortunately, a lot of my friends that I traveled
There are many facets of what he does for a any aspiring musician as they prepare to be a with over the years had begun the same
living with the acoustic and electric guitar in his touring musician themselves? process of staying off the road and I was able
life. Several revenue streams combine to help
to connect with them.
him be able to live and thrive in the iconic music [Dave] Traveling with these different artists hub known as Nashville. Especially since you really taught me a lot about being a touring I can't stress enough the importance of making
can’t throw a guitar pick without hitting another musician. solid relationships. Many of those people you
guitarist in that city.
work with through the years are the ones that
The main advice that I tell upcoming musicians will recommend you time and time again for
We will break the conversation down into five is to always have a great attitude. Things will sessions and road work. I never take those
main categories with this well-mannered and not be perfect! You have to be flexible and learn connections for granted. These relationships
friendly master of the guitar. to adjust to a wide variety of circumstances. turn into great friendships that last your lifetime.
You are there to support the artist but also to And the music and the success you achieve
TOURING MUSICIAN: support the other musicians, the crew, the bus pales in comparison to the friendships you get
and truck drivers, the catering folks etc. When to enjoy day in and day out.
[WM] Tell us about how you got started as a you learn this, and put it into practice, there is
touring guitarist? a joy that starts to become part of who you are [WM] There is quite a large list of great guitar
and all this makes for better music. players in and around Nashville already. How
[Dave Cleveland] That all came about
did you walk in confidence that the Lord had a
through a phone call from Roger Breland. Also, and equally important, know your music place for you amongst all of that other talent?
He was the director of a group called Truth. I inside and out. Try to have the right gear. But, if
was recommended to him by a friend of mine you are tight on a budget, make what you have [Dave] Oh my goodness! The talent here is
named Joe Hogue. That call led to three years work. Creativity always finds a way to make it mind blowing!
and 1,000 concerts! It was one of the best right. Don't go out and get into a bunch of debt times of my life. I learned so much on that tour. putting together a rig. Let the gigs you play, pay Early on, I was so intimidated by that talent. I
It really prepared me for the tours that would for your gear. Practice diligently with purpose never thought I measured up to the amazing
come. and passion! players I was hearing.
[WM] Let our readers know about some of the STUDIO SESSION MUSICIAN: My wife, Tammy, always encouraged me to just
other artists you have had a supporting role as be who I was in Christ. And that is enough.
a touring guitarist with? [WM] Tell us how the recording session world Through my whole career, it has been Christ
opened up to you in Nashville? that opens the doors (or closes) for me. He
[Dave] After Truth, my next tour was with Brian directs my steps and I always tell people that
Becker. That led to a tour with Twila Paris and [Dave] By the time the Crystal Lewis tour every day I am on assignment. So, no matter
December 2019
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