applies in everything. Even Martin Luther talked point where I preach the Gospel. I would say, [Cade] So, Spence Peppard was someone
about the concept of shoemaking where not “Okay before we leave, we want to leave you that I met through his brother which is a long
everything needs to have a cross on it, but the with one last thing. If I didn’t share this with story but he also played with me a few times
shoes should be so glorious that it points to you, then this would be a big waste of having and when I first got to Nashville, he produced
Christ and people see the beauty of Jesus. a microphone in front of my face and didn’t the song “Southern Hallelujah” for me for free…
share you with something which is the gospel.” just to start the relationship between me and
In our concerts we don’t particularly sing Then I proceed to share the good news which him. And immediately I was intimidated my
Christian songs, but we don’t sing inappropriate is that we are all sinners, we deserve hell… but Spence because he is just an amazing guitar
songs either, because you can’t glorify God the good news is that there’s a way to get to player, drummer and many other things. I never
doing that. When we did our “Southern heaven. And we can’t ascend a hill or do good considered him to being part of a band with me
Hallelujah” tour we did earlier this year, we got works - we are in need of a Savior - which is because I didn’t think that he would stoop to
convicted that at end of our first show that we Jesus… and it is your choice to choose him. my level. So I never asked him about it. But in
ought to preach the gospel every show at the
January this year, I was about to do a Texas
end of our set. So, when we finished our set [WM] That is amazing! Tell us about your live tour and I was looking for people to be in a
and do our big rock ending and get to this band members? band and I asked him if he knew anybody that
December 2019
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