speaks and adds character in the track. Instead
The TF47 is a little different from the U47's
12 inches away.
of the typical Cardioid pattern, you might like
Omni for vocals if you are cutting BGV’s.
I then moved on to acoustics. As a solo acoustic
I've heard. U47’s normally have a slight bump
MY TAKE AWAY: centered around 3 kHz, and a second bump at
In general, the TF47 has many of the classic around 10 kHz. The TF47 shelves downward
characteristics of the mid-1950's U47. starting at 5 kHz and falls more rapidly, starting
source, there was lots of detail in the upper-
around 10 kHz. For this reason, I'm sure it
mids, and I added a little air on top. It gave the It’s got that beautiful Mid-Forward, rich, warm would be a great drum tom mic, overhead mic,
Martin guitar a sweet woody midrange. When sound with lots of detail. As you can see on the bass amp mic, or any low range instrument.
paired with a KM84 at the 12 fret, the TF47 website's TF47 Frequency Response Graph, I also noticed the low-frequency range didn't
was a great addition placed at the back end of there is a mid-boost starting at around 1.5 kHz get muddy since there was not a built-in bump
the guitar facing toward the soundhole about peaking at about 4 kHz. down low like some other condensers.
If you are looking for a great smooth upper-mid
vocal mic or a versatile all-around mic, the TF47
is a great choice. It also adds some credibility
to have a real Telefunken Large Diaphragm
Microphone in your studio without paying
around $10,000.00 for a U47, 251, or C12. The
Telefunken TF47 lists for $2,375.00, street price
around $1,895.00.
$1,895.00 Street Price
December 2019
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