The plot of an outdoor event is as contrived not hosted by a tech-savvy person. Use email agent must be made aware of the details in
and predictable as an episode of reality TV. weeks prior to the event to explain what will be plenty of time to produce a rider, known as an
Whatever date is selected will be the same day needed the day of show, why it is imperative ACCORD named insured file or the event may
everyone else decides to hold their function. It the work be confirmed in advance and how you be cancelled by the authorities on-site.
will rain, and rain and rain, even during a one- are there to come alongside them and steer the hundred-year drought in the Mojave Desert. ship through these waters. Follow up with more 5. PEOPLE WILL GET HURT. There is an old saying
There will be last minute additions to the line- emails confirming and referencing the previous in live sound: it’s not a real gig until somebody
up and mass confusion over the schedule. Oh, requirements and logistics and how they want bleeds. So, be prepared. Have a pre-event safety
and the power won’t work and when it finally to avoid hearing you say, “I told you so.” Be meeting to go over the rules: no lifting by a single
does, it will blow up amplifiers. Welcome to ready for the inevitable last-minute addition of person, no standing on top steps of ladders,
the joy of taking sound outside. Recently, our a big-band and three dog acts to the line-up. no assuming it’s unplugged. Consider having
company handled audio for the US Army Band
a nurse or EMT on-site. Buy some inexpensive
as part of the Army vs Georgia State football 3. POWER IS SERIOUS BUSINESS and outdoor safety vests from Grainger and make everyone
game festivities at Turner Field in Atlanta. All the power is dangerous business. A generator wear them plus close-toed shoes with grippy
usual maladies sprang to life, plus a few new from Home Depot is fine for a small gathering soles, long pants, even in summer and hard
ones. Here are some ideas on how to deal with of fifty, but it is not the solution for a full band on hats if anything is to be mounted overhead.
outdoor events when your leadership decides stage at a city park with hundreds of people in While these steps may seem unnecessary, they
it’s a great thing to do: attendance. The only way to properly deal with can and have prevented many serious injuries.
power requirements at that level is to either have During set-up, call out movement of truss or
1. OCTOBER 19, 2019 MARKS THE MOST POPULAR the municipality provide connection to their large scenery to alert everyone something is
DAY THIS YEAR FOR WEDDINGS. It seems all the permanent source or to employ a real Whisper- happening that requires their attention.
brides got together and chose this day as the Quiet 20KW generator rented from Sunbelt, one to exchange vows. It also happened to be Ahern, Volvo or Yancey. Yes, they cost money, 6. PAY THE BILL. If you hire local stage hands, a
the day Tropical Storm Nestor roared through but the alternative involves tripped breakers, sound company or rent a generator, prepay it or
the southeast dumping monsoon rain in its path. hum, noise, and, possibly, personal injury. bring payment with you to the event. Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) for live production
My son is a wedding photographer and had
three outdoor events that day. One was ruined 4. LOGISTICS MATTER. equipment, is: pay is handled on-site at the start of the day.
by rain breaking the wedding tent, one had the instruments and trimmings have to be rounded Once you see the sound crew is there with the
get-away car stall out due to flooding and one up, packed, driven and unloaded in plenty of rig ready to deploy, pay them. It is permissible for
had the wedding venue submerged under three time before sound check can happen. Then, crews to stop work if payment is not secured.
feet of water. Meanwhile, at Turner Field, we it all has to be cleaned, packed, driven and Most will continue to work, but just make it easy
endured thirteen hours outside soaked to the unloaded back at the facility. Since outdoor on everyone and have the money ready.
bone. My advice: keep The Weather Channel events usually happen on Saturday and Sunday app open, bring several tarps, a change of is service day, someone is going to have to stay Outdoor events can be an effective way to reach
clothing and a waterproof poncho with a hood. up most of Saturday night putting the stage and the community, but they require strong planning,
You will need all of these in case an alternative platform back together. Then, it will all have to hard work and investment of resources to pull
indoor venue cannot be secured. be tested to confirm it is working before Sunday off properly. Encourage leadership to count
morning rehearsals can begin. Trucks and the cost beforehand and see if there are less
2. TYPICALLY, THE PEOPLE WHO ARRANGE AND trailers will be needed, along with hand trucks, traumatic ways to accomplish the same goal.
PRODUCE OUTDOOR EVENTS HAVE NO IDEA dollies, tarps and hundreds of cleaning cloths. If outdoor is the answer, be ready with flexible
WHAT THEY ARE DOING. Our producer was the Extra batteries, gaff tape, zip ties, adapters and solutions to meet the need.
caterer, and while she was a wonderful cook tools will also be required at the event. Permits and person, she had no clue about sound, may be necessary and should be secured well staging or power. As the tech, you have to do in advance of the show. Insurance riders may diligent pre-production work when the event is also be a concern, so the church’s insurance
December 2019
Kent Morris
Kent is a 40-year veteran of the AVL arena driven by
passion for excellence tempered by the knowledge
digital is a temporary state.
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