TYPE: Multiband Compressor / Dynamic EQ
SOUND: transparent sonic tweaking
KEY APPLICATIONS: taming vocals, tightening
subgroups or adding sonic glue to a mix
IF IT WERE A CEREAL: Whole Grain Total
LEARN MORE: Top Mixing Engineer Tony Maserati on Multiband Compression
you take away the nonlinear and more flavorful hung up on finding the single best sounding ‘thwack’ on this snare drum?” “How can I warm
bits of the other compressor models. compressor or fanciest vintage emulation up the synth string patches a bit?” “Which
without considering what their actual sonic compressor can best get in there and help
On the Allen & Heath SQ, the most transparent goal is. Or others struggle to make a particularly me tame the low toms on my kit?” Now a few
compression called colorful compressor model work in every sonic strong options stand out for each one of those
‘Compressor’ (clever, I know!) and would be the application across the desk. This is akin to questions instead of the 300+ compressors we
‘best’ sounding compressor if what you wanted seeking a single guitar or single guitar pedal started with. And in the fast-paced world of live
was a compressor with little to no ‘sound’ of that works on everything from thrash metal to mixing with the band and the crowd depending
its own. A similar scenario holds true for most classical to jazz. Not impossible, but not easy. on you, less really can be more.
To avoid getting caught up in the paradox of Jeff Hawley
Jeff Hawley is a 20-year music industry veteran—
equally at ease behind the console, playing bass
guitar, leading marketing teams or designing
award-winning audio products. He currently heads
up the marketing for Allen & Heath in the US.
digital live sound consoles and popular DAWs.
While these concepts may not be the most choice, I’d suggest starting out with more
mind-blowing thing you’ve read all day, I do clarity in our questions. “What is the most direct
find that many aspiring engineers get way too and efficient means of achieving more of a nice
Logic Pro X Platinum Digital Compressor. Note other classic
compression types like Vintage Opto, Vintage FET, etc. You should
know what these refer to now!
December 2019
A software emulation inspired by one of the world’s most revered
FET limiting amplifiers, shown here operating within an Allen &
Heath SQ.
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