get into more subjective terms like ‘vibe’ and the ‘transparently tame levels’ or ‘impart a electro-luminescent light panel which shines on
‘warmth’ and ‘texture’, it will certainly help your distinct sound’ categories—and listing a few a photo-electric cell which in turn controls the
odds of success if the particular gear you are applications where they fit particularly well. gain.” Fancy.
OPT FOR OPTICAL Actual LA-2A units and digital emulations and
using matches up with your desired goal. If you
want a spanky chicken-pickin’ sort of guitar
sound, you’ll have an easier time getting there
hardware clones of the LA-2A show up a lot
with a Telecaster than you would with a thick Patented in 1965, the Teletronix LA-2A is the in tracking and mixing sources that could use
jazz box. Looking for a Beatles bass sound? I’d quintessential optical compressor choice. In more warmth or rounding out in a musical
grab a Höfner 500/1 before I’d grab a modern your hunt for a compressor that has a sound of fashion. It isn’t unheard of to have an LA used
boutique active 6-string. Looking to add its own and is perhaps more akin to an effect on more lively and transient-rich sources, but
character and make vocals seem bigger and than a surgical gain control device, the LA-2A they really fit best on smooth and legato types
more ‘in your face’? Which compressor type is is your best bet. According to Universal Audio of sources.
the most likely to meet that goal? (the current owners of the Teletronix patents):
“the LA-2A features hand-wired components
Let’s dig into that last question a bit with a and two simple controls. At the time, its electro- quick history and run-down of key compressor luminescent optical gain reduction was quite Released in 1967 by UREI, the 1176 is a go-
models, noting whether they generally fall into revolutionary: applying the audio signal to an to solid-state FET (Field Effect Transistor) peak
MODEL: Teletronix LA-2A Leveling Amplifier
TYPE: electro-optical tube compressor
SOUND: iconic warmth, smooth, natural, musical
KEY APPLICATIONS: warming up vocals and strings and guitars
TYPE: solid-state FET limiting amplifier
SOUND: explosive, colorful, adds a nice bite
KEY APPLICATIONS: fattening up (or overdriving) drum room or overheads, bass
IF IT WERE A CEREAL: Normal operation is Corn Flakes.
All-button operation is Cap’n Crunch
December 2019
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