Pastor Randy prays over the team
review any changes from the plan to make I’m alone in the room putting away cables to mix. If my worship leaders and musicians
sure they were for the right reason and were or working with a team of twelve and Pastor have to come in with the songs memorized, I
approved appropriately. Randy is “live” in front of a full congregation should have those songs memorized as well
being broadcast all over the world. It’s like because I’m making mixing decisions. I need to
[Rick] Otherwise it all becomes personal the Levites serving in the temple, offering up know where the guitar licks and the keyboard
perspective and taste, which is not a way to run the wave offering, the first fruits offering. That fills are, which vocalist leads out, and when
a successful business or successful church. seems to capture the imagination of the Holy another vocalist takes over. I have to know the
Spirit and lead to incredible experiences. I bring dynamics of the song just like everybody on the
[WM] Can you share with us a Bayside - and give - my best. This isn’t my guitar solo; worship team. Then if I I’ve done my homework,
distinctive and how that impacts your choices? it’s my offering. This isn’t my camera shot; it’s not only does serving become much more of a
my offering. This is an overarching principle that worship experience, I’m also freed so that while
shapes how we approach serving. my role is getting done well, I can also connect
[Rick] When I was hired here, Pastor Randy
said, “Cultivate the culture, be an invested tither,
with people to ask, “Hey, are you all right, or
and make it easy for my people.” Take that [WM] That’s a great life principle, not limited to can we get a coffee and talk about what’s going
middle part about giving of our first fruits. To serving in tech world. on?” Jesus wants us to have more impact on
me that resolves the perfectionism/excellence
people than simply accomplishing the task.
question. Understand that we have a really [Rick] I think one of the most important single strong desire for quality products, events, and tenets we can learn from the Biblical example services. So there’s a bit of that John Wooden of how the Levites facilitated worship. This “Make each day your masterpiece” factor. is critical to serving. It drives us to focus on [Rick] Pastor Randy also charged our staff to
We strive for excellence. That doesn’t mean how we each prepare. I cannot postpone until make it easy for our people. I’ll mention again
perfection. It just means doing my best, whether Saturday looking at the song list that I’m going that we have a high standard. Some of our staff
[WM] What’s another Bayside distinctive?