By the time this article is published the Christian I’ve worked with Paul for several decades. in advance for everything that Paul might do.
Musician Summit conference for 2019 will One of the things I so love about the way he I’m not nervous about this, though. First of all,
have come and gone. I’ve taught at this great leads worship is that he always leaves room for Paul is a wonderfully skilled guitarist and will
event for more than 15 years and always look some spontaneous expression for both himself play enough on his guitar to tell us where he’s
forward to being there. This year will be special and the people gathered with him to worship. going harmonically. Secondly, most of Paul’s
to me in that I’ll be playing keyboards with Paul When Paul rehearses his songs with the CMS songs do what most modern worship songs
Baloche when he leads worship for the Friday band, we’ll run through every song he plans on do harmonically. They utilize a fairly limited set
morning session. Paul has sent his song list to singing. But when the actual worship service of chords. Those chords can be described with
everyone in the band along with chord charts starts, everyone in the band will stay alert to the numbers 1, 4, 5 and 6.
and the keys we’ll play the songs in. But there those potential unplanned moments, those are a few things Paul won’t tell us. Not even on times when Paul extends the end of a song, One of Paul’s most popular songs, and one
the morning of the session. I know Paul well spontaneously repeats a chorus or bridge, or we’ll play together at CMS, is “Hosanna”. He
enough to know that when he leads worship sings a bit of a song we hadn’t even talked plays it in the key of G. The 1, 4, 5 and 6 chords
there will be some surprises. Surprises for me about doing. in G are:
as I play keys, surprises for the rest of the band,
1: G
and surprises for the people. Paul may even be This might sound like a scary prospect to you
surprised himself. since there’s no way I can have a chord chart
December 2019
5: D
6: Em7
In all likelihood Paul will play the song using the
Dave Cleveland, Ed Kerr + Paul Baloche at CMS 2019
4: C
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